/******loads all the necessary extjs libraries*****/
Ext . require ( [ '*' ] ) ;
var metadatatab _center _items = {
xtype : 'panel' ,
layout : 'border' ,
items : [ {
xtype : 'panel' ,
region : 'center' ,
layout : 'fit' ,
hidden : true ,
id : 'metadatatab_mapPanel' ,
html : '<div id=\'metadatatab_map\' style=\'display:hidden;width:100%;height:100%\'></div>' ,
listeners : {
resize : function ( ) {
if ( typeof metadata _map !== "undefined" )
metadata _map . updateSize ( ) ;
} ]
} ;
/******When Ext is ready, it renders the viewport TabsViewport to the html body*****/
/******it also initialize other features such as quicktips and text selection*****/
function renderExtElements ( ) {
var cmp1 = new Ext . container . Container ( {
layout : {
type : 'fit' ,
align : 'stretch'
} ,
border : false ,
height : '100%' ,
width : '100%' ,
renderTo : Ext . get ( 'metadata-panel' ) ,
items : [
metadatatab _west _form _panel ,
xtype : 'panel' ,
border : false ,
items : [
metadatatab _center _items ,
xtype : 'panel' ,
id : 'metadatatab_south' ,
border : false ,
flex : 1 ,
items : [ {
xtype : 'panel' ,
id : 'metadatatab_south_tabpanel' ,
layout : 'fit' ,
items : [ metadata _search _results _grid _var ]
} ]
} ] ,
listeners : {
afterrender : function ( )
init _metadata _map ( ) ;
} ) ;
function getMetaPage ( ) {
// import GridJS and its styles
// import Grid from 'gridjs';
// import 'gridjs/dist/theme/mermaid.css';
// URL of the GeoNetwork server and the metadata endpoint
const url = 'https://geonet.hcmr.gr' ;
// const url = 'https://my-geonetwork-server.com';
const endpoint = '/geonetwork/srv/api/records' ;
// Fetch metadata rows from the endpoint using the Fetch API
fetch ( ` ${ url } ${ endpoint } ` )
. then ( response => response . json ( ) )
. then ( data => {
// Map the data to an array of arrays, where each inner array contains
// the values of each column in the metadata row
const rows = data . map ( row => [
row . id ,
row . title ,
row . abstract ,
row . keywords . join ( ', ' ) ,
row . language ,
row . dateStamp ,
row . organisationName ,
row . contactEmail
] ) ;
// Create a GridJS datagrid with the rows of metadata
const grid = new Grid ( {
columns : [
'ID' ,
'Title' ,
'Abstract' ,
'Keywords' ,
'Language' ,
'Date' ,
'Organisation' ,
] ,
data : rows
} ) . render ( document . getElementById ( 'metadata-datatable' ) ) ;
} )
. catch ( error => console . error ( error ) ) ;