function advancedSearch ( ) {
return {
gopen : false ,
bopen : false ,
dopen : false ,
copen : false ,
loading : false ,
submitDisabled : true ,
g : { } ,
b : { } ,
d : { } ,
c : { } ,
tagName ( type , id ) {
if ( type === 'b' ) {
return this . b . find ( i => i . id == id ) . label ;
} else if ( type === 'c' ) {
return this . c . find ( i => i . id == id ) . code ;
} else if ( type === 'g' ) {
try {
return this . g . find ( i => i . id == id ) . label ;
} catch ( err ) {
return ;
} else if ( type === 'd' ) {
try {
return this . d . find ( i => i . id == id ) . code ;
} catch ( err ) {
return ;
} ,
gid : null ,
bid : [ ] ,
did : null ,
cid : [ ] ,
date : { } ,
search ( ) {
generateRequest ( this . did , this . cid , this . date . from , this . date . to , this . bid ) ;
} ,
// Triggers when an entry is selected from any of the dropdowns
selectEntry ( element , entry ) {
const selType = element . id . split ( '-' ) [ 1 ] ;
console . debug ( selType ) ;
if ( selType === 'group' ) {
element . parentElement . querySelectorAll ( 'a' ) . forEach ( el => el . classList . remove ( 'is-active' ) ) ;
element . classList . add ( 'is-active' ) ;
// update variables;
this . bid = [ ] ;
this . gid = entry ;
this . gopen = false ;
} else if ( selType === 'body' ) {
// toggle
element . classList . toggle ( 'is-active' ) ;
// update variables;
this . bid . indexOf ( entry ) === - 1 ? this . bid . push ( entry ) : this . bid = this . bid . filter ( function ( id ) { return id !== entry } ) ;
this . bopen = false ;
// add tag
} else if ( selType === 'desc' ) {
// highlight
element . parentElement . querySelectorAll ( 'a' ) . forEach ( el => el . classList . remove ( 'is-active' ) ) ;
element . classList . add ( 'is-active' ) ;
// update variables;
this . cid = [ ] ;
this . did = entry ;
console . debug ( this . did ) ;
this . dopen = false ;
} else if ( selType === 'crit' ) {
// toggle
element . classList . toggle ( 'is-active' ) ;
// update variables;
this . cid . indexOf ( entry ) === - 1 ? this . cid . push ( entry ) : this . cid = this . cid . filter ( function ( id ) { return id !== entry } ) ;
this . copen = false ;
// add tag
this . submitDisabled = ! ( this . bid . length > 0 && this . cid . length > 0 ) ;
} ,
getDropdownData ( dropdown ) {
this . loading = true ;
let url = BASE _URL ;
switch ( dropdown ) {
case 'g' :
url += '/interface/dropdowns/watergroups' ;
break ;
case 'b' :
url += '/interface/dropdowns/waterbodies?group_id=' + this . gid ;
break ;
case 'd' :
url += '/interface/dropdowns/descriptors?body_id=' + this . bid ;
break ;
case 'c' :
url += '/interface/dropdowns/criterias?desc_id=' + this . did ;
break ;
fetch ( url )
. then ( res => res . json ( ) )
. then ( data => {
this . isLoading = false ;
eval ( 'this.' + dropdown + '=data' ) ;
console . debug ( data ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
loadCal ( ) {
const calendars = bulmaCalendar . attach ( '[type=date]' , { dateFormat : 'dd/MM/yyyy' , isRange : true ,
minDate : '01/01/1990' } ) ;
// Loop on each calendar initialized
calendars . forEach ( calendar => {
calendar . on ( 'save' , data => {
this . date = {
from : calendar . startDate . toLocaleDateString ( ) ,
to : calendar . endDate . toLocaleDateString ( )
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
function refreshRequestGrid ( ) {
requestsGrid . forceRender ( ) ;
function downloadOneFile ( fileUUID ) {
const url = BASE _URL + '/actions/data/download?uuid=' + fileUUID ;
fetch ( url , {
"credentials" : "include" ,
"headers" : {
"Accept" : "application/zip" ,
"Accept-Language" : "en-US,en;q=0.5" ,
"Sec-Fetch-Dest" : "empty" ,
"Sec-Fetch-Mode" : "cors" ,
"Pragma" : "no-cache" ,
"Cache-Control" : "no-cache"
} ,
"method" : "GET" ,
"mode" : "cors" }
. then ( res => { return res . blob ( ) ; } )
. then ( data => {
var a = document . createElement ( "a" ) ;
a . href = window . URL . createObjectURL ( data ) ;
a . download = fileUUID ;
a . click ( ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Submit a request to the server and returns the entry inserted
* @ param { number } desc
* @ param { number } crit
* @ return { json }
* /
function generateRequest ( desc , crit , from , to , bodyId = null ) {
console . debug ( 'requesting data' ) ;
const url = BASE _URL + ` /actions/data/search?bodyId= ${ bodyId } &dateFrom= ${ from } &dateTo= ${ to } &critId= ${ crit } ` ;
fetch ( url )
. then ( res => {
return res . json ( ) ;
} ) . then ( data => {
db . requests . add ( {
uuid : data . uuid ,
parameters : data . parameters ,
status : data . status
} ) . then ( d => {
alert ( 'Request complete. Check the request tab' ) ;
requestsGrid . forceRender ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Function to request data for a specific entity such as station or cruise
* @ param { number } desc - The descriptor id
* @ param { number } crit - The criteria id
* @ param { string } from - The start date for which the data is to be requested
* @ param { string } to - The end date for which the data is to be requested
* @ param { string } entityGroup - The entity group ( e . g . cruise station , argo , wfd station )
* @ param { string } entityId - The entity feature id ( e . g . station id )
* @ return { null }
* /
function requestEntityData ( desc , crit , from , to , entityGroup , entityId ) {
const url = BASE _URL + ` /actions/data/search?entityGroup= ${ entityGroup } &entityId= ${ entityId } &dateFrom= ${ from } &dateTo= ${ to } &critId= ${ crit } ` ;
fetch ( url )
. then ( res => {
return res . json ( ) ;
} ) . then ( data => {
db . requests . add ( {
uuid : data . uuid ,
parameters : data . parameters ,
status : data . status
} ) . then ( d => {
alert ( 'Request complete. Check the request tab' ) ;
requestsGrid . forceRender ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Function to request data for a specific entity that has an external source
* @ param { number } desc - The descriptor id
* @ param { number } crit - The criteria id
* @ param { string } from - The start date for which the data is to be requested
* @ param { string } to - The end date for which the data is to be requested
* @ param { string } entityGroup - The entity group ( e . g . cruise station , argo , wfd station )
* @ param { string } entityId - The entity feature id ( e . g . station id )
* @ return { null }
* /
function requestExternalData ( desc , crit , from , to , entityGroup , entityId ) {
console . debug ( 'requesting external data' ) ;
const url = BASE _URL + ` /src/data/request_external_data.php?entityGroup= ${ entityGroup } &entityId= ${ entityId } &dateFrom= ${ from } &dateTo= ${ to } &critId= ${ crit } ` ;
fetch ( url )
. then ( res => {
return res . blob ( ) ;
} ) . then ( data => {
const url = window . URL . createObjectURL ( data ) ;
const a = document . createElement ( 'a' ) ;
a . href = url ;
a . download = ` external_data- ${ entityId } .json ` ;
a . click ( ) ;
} ) ;
function clearRequests ( ) {
let url = BASE _URL + ` /actions/requests/ ` ;
if ( confirm ( 'Clear requests list?' ) ) {
fetch ( url , {
method : 'DELETE'
} )
. then ( response => {
if ( response . ok )
requestsGrid . forceRender ( ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
console . log ( 'Cancel' ) ;
// function moreInfo() {
// return {
// entityGroup: selectedEntityGroup,
// entityId: selectedEntityId ||'entity').id,
// dopen: false,
// copen: false,
// loading: false,
// isGrid:'entity').hasOwnProperty('cellcode'),
// d: {},
// c: {},
// tagName(type, id) {
// if (id == null)
// return;
// if (type === 'd') {
// return this.d.find(i => == id).code;
// } else if (type === 'c') {
// return this.c.find(i => == id).code;
// }
// },
// did: null,
// cid: [],
// date: {},
// search() {
// this.drawDataChart();
// // check if entity has an external source
// if (this.$store.entity.hasOwnProperty('ctStationCode')) {
// requestExternalData(this.did, this.cid,,, this.entityGroup, this.entityId);
// } else {
// requestEntityData(this.did, this.cid,,, this.entityGroup, this.entityId);
// }
// },
// selectEntry(element, entry) {
// console.debug(element.text.substr(0, element.text.indexOf(' ')));
// if ('-')[1] === 'desc') {
// // highlight
// element.parentElement.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(el => el.classList.remove('is-active'));
// element.classList.add('is-active');
// // update variables;
// this.cid = [];
// this.did = entry;
// this.dopen = false;
// } else if ('-')[1] === 'crit') {
// // toggle
// element.classList.toggle('is-active');
// // update variables;
// this.cid.indexOf(entry) === -1 ? this.cid.push(entry) : this.cid = this.cid.filter(function(id) { return id !== entry});
// this.copen = false;
// // add tag
// }
// },
// getDropdownData(dropdown) {
// this.loading = true;
// let url = BASE_URL;
// let gridCode;
// if (this.isGrid) {
// gridCode ='entity').cellcode.substr(0,4);
// }
// switch(dropdown) {
// case 'd':
// url += '/interface/dropdowns/descriptors?entity_id=' + this.entityId + '&cellcode=' + gridCode;
// break;
// case 'c':
// url += '/interface/dropdowns/criterias?desc_id=' + this.did + '&cellcode=' + gridCode;
// break;
// }
// fetch(url)
// .then(res => res.json())
// .then(data => {
// this.isLoading = false;
// eval('this.' + dropdown + '=data');
// });
// },
// loadCal() {
// const calendars = bulmaCalendar.attach('[type=date]', {dateFormat: 'dd/MM/yyyy', isRange: true});
// // Loop on each calendar initialized
// calendars.forEach(calendar => {
// calendar.on('save', data => {
// = {
// from: calendar.startDate.toLocaleDateString(),
// to: calendar.endDate.toLocaleDateString()
// }
// });
// });
// },
// populateFeatureGrid(grid) {
// const features ='entity');
// console.debug(features);
// const featureCols = Object.getOwnPropertyNames('entity')).filter(name => aliasMap.has(name));
// const featureVals = => {return {feature: aliasMap.get(col), value: features[col]}});
// console.debug(featureVals);
// new gridjs.Grid({
// data: featureVals
// }).render(grid);
// },
// drawDataChart() {
// if (this.entityGroup != 'POSEIDON')
// return;
// const url = `/data/external/POSEIDON/${'entity').tspr}_${'entity').type}_${'entity').pid}`;
// fetch(url)
// .then(res => res.json())
// .then(data => {
// this.isLoading = false;
// console.debug(data);
// });
// const config = {
// type: 'line',
// data: data,
// options: {
// responsive: true,
// plugins: {
// legend: {
// position: 'top',
// },
// title: {
// display: true,
// text: 'Chart.js Line Chart'
// }
// }
// },
// };
// }
// };
// }
// function mruInfo() {
// return {
// dopen: false,
// copen: false,
// loading: false,
// d: {},
// c: {},
// tagName(type, id) {
// if (id == null)
// return;
// if (type === 'd') {
// return this.d.find(i => == id).code;
// } else if (type === 'c') {
// return this.c.find(i => == id).code;
// }
// },
// bid:'mru').objectid,
// did: null,
// cid: [],
// date: {},
// search() {
// generateRequest(this.did, this.cid,,,;
// },
// selectEntry(element, entry) {
// console.debug(element.text.substr(0, element.text.indexOf(' ')));
// if ('-')[1] === 'desc') {
// // highlight
// element.parentElement.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(el => el.classList.remove('is-active'));
// element.classList.add('is-active');
// // update variables;
// this.cid = [];
// this.did = entry;
// this.dopen = false;
// } else if ('-')[1] === 'crit') {
// // toggle
// element.classList.toggle('is-active');
// // update variables;
// this.cid.indexOf(entry) === -1 ? this.cid.push(entry) : this.cid = this.cid.filter(function(id) { return id !== entry});
// this.copen = false;
// // add tag
// }
// },
// getDropdownData(dropdown) {
// this.loading = true;
// let url = BASE_URL;
// switch(dropdown) {
// case 'd':
// url += '/interface/dropdowns/descriptors?body_id=' +;
// break;
// case 'c':
// url += '/interface/dropdowns/criterias?desc_id=' + this.did;
// break;
// }
// fetch(url)
// .then(res => res.json())
// .then(data => {
// this.isLoading = false;
// eval('this.' + dropdown + '=data');
// });
// },
// loadCal() {
// const calendars = bulmaCalendar.attach('[type=date]', {dateFormat: 'dd/MM/yyyy', isRange: true});
// // Loop on each calendar initialized
// calendars.forEach(calendar => {
// calendar.on('save', data => {
// = {
// from: calendar.startDate.toLocaleDateString(),
// to: calendar.endDate.toLocaleDateString()
// }
// });
// });
// },
// populateFeatureGrid(grid) {
// console.debug(grid);
// const features ='mru');
// const featureCols = Object.getOwnPropertyNames('mru')).filter(name => aliasMap.has(name));
// const featureVals = => {return {feature: aliasMap.get(col), value: features[col]}});
// console.debug(featureVals);
// new gridjs.Grid({
// data: featureVals
// }).render(grid);
// }
// };
// }