L . Control . Window = L . Control . extend ( {
includes : L . Evented . prototype || L . Mixin . Events ,
options : {
element : 'mapL' ,
className : 'control-window' ,
visible : false ,
title : undefined ,
closeButton : true ,
content : undefined ,
prompt : undefined ,
maxWidth : 600 ,
modal : false ,
position : 'center'
} ,
initialize : function ( container , options ) {
var self = this ;
if ( container . hasOwnProperty ( 'options' ) ) { container = container . getContainer ( ) ; }
options . element = container ;
L . setOptions ( this , options ) ;
var modality = 'nonmodal' ;
if ( this . options . modal ) {
modality = 'modal'
// Create popup window container
this . _wrapper = L . DomUtil . create ( 'div' , modality + ' leaflet-control-window-wrapper' , L . DomUtil . get ( this . options . element ) ) ;
this . _container = L . DomUtil . create ( 'div' , 'leaflet-control leaflet-control-window ' + this . options . className , this . _wrapper ) ;
this . _container . setAttribute ( 'style' , 'max-width:' + this . options . maxWidth + 'px' ) ;
this . _containerTitleBar = L . DomUtil . create ( 'div' , 'titlebar' , this . _container ) ;
this . titleContent = L . DomUtil . create ( 'h2' , 'title' , this . _containerTitleBar ) ;
this . _containerContent = L . DomUtil . create ( 'div' , 'content' , this . _container ) ;
this . _containerPromptButtons = L . DomUtil . create ( 'div' , 'promptButtons' , this . _container ) ;
if ( this . options . closeButton ) {
this . _closeButton = L . DomUtil . create ( 'a' , 'close' , this . _containerTitleBar ) ;
this . _closeButton . innerHTML = '×' ;
// Make sure we don't drag the map when we interact with the content
var stop = L . DomEvent . stopPropagation ;
L . DomEvent
. on ( this . _wrapper , 'contextmenu' , stop )
. on ( this . _wrapper , 'click' , stop )
. on ( this . _wrapper , 'mousedown' , stop )
. on ( this . _wrapper , 'touchstart' , stop )
. on ( this . _wrapper , 'dblclick' , stop )
. on ( this . _wrapper , 'mousewheel' , stop )
. on ( this . _wrapper , 'MozMousePixelScroll' , stop )
// Attach event to close button
if ( this . options . closeButton ) {
var close = this . _closeButton ;
L . DomEvent . on ( close , 'click' , this . hide , this ) ;
if ( this . options . title ) {
this . title ( this . options . title ) ;
if ( this . options . content ) {
this . content ( this . options . content ) ;
if ( typeof ( this . options . prompt ) == 'object' ) {
this . prompt ( this . options . prompt ) ;
if ( this . options . visible ) {
this . show ( ) ;
} ,
disableBtn : function ( ) {
this . _btnOK . disabled = true ;
this . _btnOK . className = 'disabled' ;
} ,
enableBtn : function ( ) {
this . _btnOK . disabled = false ;
this . _btnOK . className = '' ;
} ,
title : function ( titleContent ) {
if ( titleContent == undefined ) {
return this . options . title
this . options . title = titleContent ;
var title = titleContent || '' ;
this . titleContent . innerHTML = title ;
return this ;
} ,
remove : function ( ) {
L . DomUtil . get ( this . options . element ) . removeChild ( this . _wrapper ) ;
// Unregister events to prevent memory leak
var stop = L . DomEvent . stopPropagation ;
L . DomEvent
. off ( this . _wrapper , 'contextmenu' , stop )
. off ( this . _wrapper , 'click' , stop )
. off ( this . _wrapper , 'mousedown' , stop )
. off ( this . _wrapper , 'touchstart' , stop )
. off ( this . _wrapper , 'dblclick' , stop )
. off ( this . _wrapper , 'mousewheel' , stop )
. off ( this . _wrapper , 'MozMousePixelScroll' , stop ) ;
// map.off('resize',self.mapResized);
if ( this . _closeButton && this . _close ) {
var close = this . _closeButton ;
L . DomEvent . off ( close , 'click' , this . close , this ) ;
this . _source . remove ( ) ;
return this ;
} ,
mapResized : function ( ) {
// this.show()
} ,
show : function ( position ) {
if ( position ) {
console . debug ( 'dsfasdfas' ) ;
this . options . position = position ;
L . DomUtil . addClass ( this . _wrapper , 'visible' ) ;
this . setContentMaxHeight ( ) ;
// Popup dimensions
var thisWidth = this . _container . offsetWidth ;
var thisHeight = this . _container . offsetHeight ;
var margin = 8 ;
var el = L . DomUtil . get ( this . options . element ) ;
var rect = el . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ;
// Map box dimensions
var width = rect . right - rect . left || Math . max ( document . documentElement . clientWidth , window . innerWidth || 0 ) ;
var height = rect . bottom - rect . top || Math . max ( document . documentElement . clientHeight , window . innerHeight || 0 ) ;
var top = rect . top ;
var left = rect . left ;
var offset = {
x : 0 ,
y : 60
} ;
this . showOn ( [ width / 2 - thisWidth / 2 - offset . x , offset . y ] ) ;
return this ;
} ,
showOn : function ( point ) {
this . setContentMaxHeight ( ) ;
L . DomUtil . setPosition ( this . _container , L . point ( Math . round ( point [ 0 ] ) , Math . round ( point [ 1 ] ) , true ) ) ;
var draggable = new L . Draggable ( this . _container , this . _containerTitleBar ) ;
draggable . enable ( ) ;
L . DomUtil . addClass ( this . _wrapper , 'visible' ) ;
this . fire ( 'show' ) ;
return this ;
} ,
hide : function ( e ) {
L . DomUtil . removeClass ( this . _wrapper , 'visible' ) ;
this . fire ( 'hide' ) ;
this . _container . remove ( ) ; // fixes DOM element persistence
return this ;
} ,
getContainer : function ( ) {
return this . _containerContent ;
} ,
content : function ( content ) {
if ( content == undefined ) {
return this . options . content
this . options . content = content ;
this . getContainer ( ) . innerHTML = content ;
return this ;
} ,
prompt : function ( promptObject ) {
if ( promptObject == undefined ) {
return this . options . prompt
this . options . prompt = promptObject ;
this . setPromptCallback ( promptObject . callback ) ;
this . setActionCallback ( promptObject . action ) ;
var cancel = this . options . prompt . buttonCancel || undefined ;
var ok = this . options . prompt . buttonOK || 'OK' ;
var action = this . options . prompt . buttonAction || undefined ;
if ( action != undefined ) {
var btnAction = L . DomUtil . create ( 'button' , '' , this . _containerPromptButtons ) ;
L . DomEvent . on ( btnAction , 'click' , this . action , this ) ;
btnAction . innerHTML = action ;
var btnOK = L . DomUtil . create ( 'button' , '' , this . _containerPromptButtons ) ;
L . DomEvent . on ( btnOK , 'click' , this . promptCallback , this ) ;
btnOK . innerHTML = ok ;
this . _btnOK = btnOK ;
if ( cancel != undefined ) {
var btnCancel = L . DomUtil . create ( 'button' , '' , this . _containerPromptButtons ) ;
L . DomEvent . on ( btnCancel , 'click' , this . close , this ) ;
btnCancel . innerHTML = cancel
return this ;
} ,
container : function ( containerContent ) {
if ( containerContent == undefined ) {
return this . _container . innerHTML
this . _container . innerHTML = containerContent ;
if ( this . options . closeButton ) {
this . _closeButton = L . DomUtil . create ( 'a' , 'close' , this . _container ) ;
this . _closeButton . innerHTML = '×' ;
L . DomEvent . on ( this . _closeButton , 'click' , this . close , this ) ;
return this ;
} ,
setPromptCallback : function ( callback ) {
var self = this ;
if ( typeof ( callback ) != 'function' ) { callback = function ( ) { console . warn ( 'No callback function specified!' ) ; } }
var cb = function ( ) { self . close ( ) ; callback ( ) ; } ;
this . promptCallback = cb ;
return this ;
} ,
setActionCallback : function ( callback ) {
var self = this ;
if ( typeof ( callback ) != 'function' ) { callback = function ( ) { console . warn ( 'No callback function specified!' ) ; } }
var cb = function ( ) { self . hide ( ) ; callback ( ) ; } ;
this . action = cb ;
return this ;
} ,
setContentMaxHeight : function ( ) {
var margin = 68 ;
if ( this . options . title ) {
margin += this . _containerTitleBar . offsetHeight - 36 ;
if ( typeof ( this . options . prompt ) == 'object' ) {
margin += this . _containerPromptButtons . offsetHeight - 20
var el = L . DomUtil . get ( this . options . element )
var rect = el . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ;
var height = rect . bottom - rect . top ;
var maxHeight = height - margin ;
this . _containerContent . setAttribute ( 'style' , 'max-height:' + maxHeight + 'px' )
} ,
close : function ( ) {
this . hide ( ) ;
this . remove ( ) ;
this . fire ( 'close' ) ;
return undefined ;
} ) ;
L . control . window = function ( container , options ) {
return new L . Control . Window ( container , options ) ;
} ;