var geoJsonGroup = new L . LayerGroup ( ) ;
var layerControls = { } ;
var layersList = [
code : "POSEIDON" ,
name : "Poseidon Stations" ,
geotype : 'point' ,
style : {
radius : 8 ,
fillColor : "#ff7800" ,
color : "#000" ,
weight : 1 ,
opacity : 1 ,
fillOpacity : 0.8
} ,
format : 'geojson' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
name : "ARGO Stations" ,
code : "argo_stations" ,
format : 'geojson' ,
geotype : 'linestring' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
name : "WFD Stations" ,
code : "coastal_wfd" ,
format : 'geojson' ,
geotype : 'point' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
name : "Beach Stations" ,
code : "beach_stations" ,
format : 'geojson' ,
geotype : 'point' ,
style : {
radius : 8 ,
fillColor : "#ff7800" ,
color : "#000" ,
weight : 1 ,
opacity : 1 ,
fillOpacity : 0.8
} ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
name : "Open Sea Stations" ,
code : "cruise_stations" ,
format : 'geojson' ,
geotype : 'point' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
code : "cruise_2018" ,
name : "Cruise 2018" ,
format : 'geojson' ,
geotype : 'linestring' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
code : "cruise_2019_a" ,
name : "Cruise 2019 A" ,
format : 'geojson' ,
geotype : 'linestring' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
code : "cruise_2019_b" ,
format : 'geojson' ,
geotype : 'linestring' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
code : "cruise_2020_a" ,
format : 'geojson' ,
geotype : 'linestring' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
code : "cruise_2020_b" ,
format : 'geojson' ,
geotype : 'linestring' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
code : "cruise_2021_a" ,
format : 'geojson' ,
geotype : 'linestring' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
code : "cruise_2021_b" ,
format : 'geojson' ,
geotype : 'linestring' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
code : "cruise_2019_a_inale" ,
format : 'geojson' ,
geotype : 'linestring' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
code : "cruise_2019_b_inale" ,
format : 'geojson' ,
geotype : 'linestring' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
code : "cruise_2021_a_inale" ,
format : 'geojson' ,
geotype : 'linestring' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
code : "cruise_2021_b_inale" ,
format : 'geojson' ,
geotype : 'linestring' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
code : "cruise_2021_c_inale" ,
format : 'geojson' ,
geotype : 'linestring' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
code : "grid_10km_3035" ,
format : 'image' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
code : "grid_25km_3035" ,
format : 'image' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
name : 'Marine Natura Sites (Monitored under D1)' ,
code : "v_marine_natura2000_end2021_epsg3035_sitetype" , //"marine_natura2000_end2021_epsg3035",
format : 'image' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
code : "ms_el_mediterranean_assessment_area" ,
format : 'image' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
code : "mad_el_ms_ad_adriatic_assessment_area" ,
format : 'image' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
code : "mic_el_ms_io_ionian_assessment_area" ,
format : 'image' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
code : "mal_el_ms_al_aegean_levantine_assessment_area" ,
format : 'image' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
name : "Aegean-Levantine subregion – Aegean Sea" ,
code : "mal_el_aa_ae_aegean_assessment_area" ,
format : 'image' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
name : "Aegean-Levantine subregion – North Aegean Sea" ,
code : "mal_el_aa_na_north_aegean_assessment_area" ,
format : 'image' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
name : 'Aegean-Levantine subregion – Central and South Aegean Sea' ,
code : "mal_el_aa_csa_central_south_aegean_assessment_area" ,
format : 'image' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
name : 'Aegean-Levantine subregion - Levantine Sea' ,
code : "mal_el_aa_le_levantine_assessment_area" ,
format : 'image' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
name : "Coastal Waters" ,
code : "v_el_mrus_nov2021_epsg3035_coastal_waters" ,
format : 'image' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
name : 'Coastal Water Bodies (WFD)' ,
code : "v_el_mrus_nov2021_epsg3035_coasts" ,
format : 'image' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
name : "Territorial Waters" ,
code : "v_el_mrus_nov2021_epsg3035_territorial" ,
format : 'image' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
name : 'Territorial Part beyond Coastal Waters' ,
code : "v_el_mrus_nov2021_epsg3035_territorial_from_coastal" ,
format : 'image' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
name : 'Beyond Territorial Waters' ,
code : "v_el_mrus_nov2021_epsg3035_beyond_territorial" ,
format : 'image' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
code : "mal_el_aa_na_north_aegean_assessment_area" ,
format : 'image' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
code : "mal_el_aa_csa_central_south_aegean_assessment_area" ,
format : 'image' ,
active : false ,
leafletid : null
} , {
name : 'EMODNET Bathymetry' ,
active : false ,
format : 'image' ,
leafletid : null ,
code : 'DPTH'
} , {
name : 'EMODNET Habitats' ,
active : false ,
format : 'image' ,
leafletid : null ,
code : 'HABT'
} , {
name : 'EMODNET Chemistry' ,
active : false ,
format : 'image' ,
leafletid : null ,
code : 'CHEM'
} , {
name : 'EMODNET Chemistry' ,
active : false ,
format : 'image' ,
leafletid : null ,
code : 'CHEM_PHPL'
} , {
name : 'Probability of coralligenous habitat in the Mediterranean (MEDISEH)' ,
active : false ,
format : 'image' ,
leafletid : null ,
isProduct : true ,
endpoint : "" ,
legend : "" ,
code : 'mediseh_cora'
} , {
name : 'Probability of maerl habitat in the Mediterranean (MEDISEH)' ,
active : false ,
format : 'image' ,
leafletid : null ,
isProduct : true ,
endpoint : "" ,
legend : "" ,
code : 'mediseh_maerl'
} , {
name : 'Probability of Posidonia oceanica in the Mediterranean (MEDISEH)' ,
active : false ,
format : 'image' ,
leafletid : null ,
isProduct : true ,
endpoint : "" ,
legend : "" ,
code : 'mediseh_posidonia'
} , {
name : 'Seagrass Meadows (<a target="_blank" class="is-link has-text-link" href="">citation</a>)' ,
active : false ,
format : 'image' ,
leafletid : null ,
code : 'greek_seagrass_meadows_v0906_espg3035' ,
} , {
name : 'Ecological Status' ,
code : 'wfd_eco_status_' ,
composite : true ,
minSuffix : '2018' ,
maxSuffix : '2021' ,
active : false ,
format : 'image' ,
leafletid : null ,
} , {
name : 'BMI Status' ,
code : 'wfd_bmi_status_' ,
minSuffix : '2018' ,
maxSuffix : '2021' ,
active : false ,
format : 'image' ,
leafletid : null ,
} , {
name : 'MA Status' ,
code : 'wfd_ma_status_' ,
minSuffix : '2018' ,
maxSuffix : '2021' ,
active : false ,
format : 'image' ,
leafletid : null ,
} , {
name : 'AN Status' ,
code : 'wfd_an_status_' ,
minSuffix : '2018' ,
maxSuffix : '2021' ,
active : false ,
format : 'image' ,
leafletid : null ,
} , {
name : 'Chl-a Status' ,
code : 'wfd_chla_status_' ,
minSuffix : '2018' ,
maxSuffix : '2021' ,
active : false ,
format : 'image' ,
leafletid : null ,
} , {
name : 'PCQI Status' ,
code : 'wfd_pcqi_status_' ,
minSuffix : '2018' ,
maxSuffix : '2021' ,
active : false ,
format : 'image' ,
leafletid : null ,
} , {
name : 'Chemi Status' ,
code : 'wfd_chem_status_' ,
minSuffix : '2018' ,
maxSuffix : '2021' ,
active : false ,
format : 'image' ,
leafletid : null ,
} , {
name : 'Annual Fisheries Production per year' ,
code : 'AFPPY' ,
active : false ,
format : 'image' ,
leafletid : null
] ;
async function layerTreeSwitch ( node ) {
const intId = node . data . code ;
// called everytime a layer is activated/deactivated
if ( typeof intId == 'undefined' ) {
return ;
const layer = await db . layers . where ( 'code' ) . equals ( intId ) . first ( ) ;
let leafletId = layer . leafletid ;
let l ;
if ( ! layer . active && node . checkStatus ) {
if ( intId === 'DPTH' ) {
l = getBathymetry ( ) ;
mapL . on ( 'click' , e => {
getDepthOnPoint ( e . latlng ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( intId === 'HABT' ) {
l = getHabitat ( layer . code ) ;
} else if ( layer . isProduct ) {
l = getProduct ( layer ) ;
} else if ( intId === 'AFPPY' ) {
l = await getFisheriesProduct ( ) ;
} else if ( intId === 'PHPL' ) {
l = getWMSSeries ( node . checkStatus ) ;
} else if ( intId . substr ( 0 , 3 ) === 'wfd' ) {
l = getWFD ( layer ) ;
} else if ( layer . format === 'image' ) {
l = L . tileLayer . betterWms ( BASE _URL + '/geoserver/wms' , { layers : intId , transparent : true , format : "image/png" } ) ;
} else {
l = await fetchGeoJson ( layer . code ) ;
console . debug ( l ) ;
l . layerGroup = layer . code ;
console . debug ( "geojson layer: " , l ) ;
let options = { } ;
options . onEachFeature = onEachFeature ;
if ( layer . geotype === 'point' ) {
options . pointToLayer = function ( feature , latlng ) {
return L . circleMarker ( latlng , layer . style ) ;
} ;
} else if ( layer . geotype === 'linestring' ) {
options . style = function ( feature , layer ) {
return styleLine ( ) ;
l = L . geoJSON ( l , options ) ;
console . debug ( "wms layer: " , l ) ;
l . addTo ( mapL ) ;
leafletId = l . _leaflet _id ;
} else {
console . debug ( "hide layer" , layer . code ) ;
if ( layer . format === 'geojson' )
mapL . _layers [ layer . leafletid ] . clearLayers ( ) ;
try {
mapL . _layers [ layer . leafletid ] . remove ( ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
console . log ( 'no layer with that id' ) ;
clearLegend ( layer . code ) ;
mapL . off ( 'click' ) ;
try {
layerControls [ layer . code ] . remove ( ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
console . log ( 'layer has no controls' ) ;
db . layers . update ( layer . id , { active : ! layer . active , leafletid : leafletId } ) ;
return ;
function clearLegend ( layerCode ) {
try {
legends [ layerCode ] . remove ( ) ;
delete legends [ layerCode ] ;
} catch ( error ) {
console . debug ( 'layer has no legend' ) ;