function moreInfo ( ) {
return {
lineChart : { } ,
entityGroup : Alpine . store ( 'entity' ) . entity _group || Alpine . store ( 'entity' ) . category ,
entityId : selectedEntityId || Alpine . store ( 'entity' ) . id ,
params : ( Alpine . store ( 'entity' ) . entityGroup == 'POSEIDON' ? Alpine . store ( 'entity' ) . params . split ( ' ' ) : [ ] ) ,
dopen : false ,
copen : false ,
popen : false ,
loading : false ,
isGrid : Alpine . store ( 'entity' ) . hasOwnProperty ( 'cellcode' ) ,
d : { } ,
c : { } ,
tagName ( type , id ) {
if ( id == null )
return ;
if ( type === 'd' ) {
return this . d . find ( i => i . id == id ) . code ;
} else if ( type === 'c' ) {
return this . c . find ( i => i . id == id ) . code ;
} ,
p : { } ,
did : null ,
cid : [ ] ,
pid : [ ] ,
date : { } ,
search ( ) {
this . drawDataChart ( ) ;
// check if entity has an external source
if ( this . $store . entity . category === 'coastal_wfd' ) {
requestExternalData ( this . did , this . cid , this . date . from , this . date . to , this . entityGroup , this . entityId ) ;
} else {
requestEntityData ( this . did , this . cid , this . date . from , this . date . to , this . entityGroup , this . entityId ) ;
} ,
selectEntry ( element , entry ) {
console . debug ( element . text . substr ( 0 , element . text . indexOf ( ' ' ) ) ) ;
if ( element . id . split ( '-' ) [ 1 ] === 'desc' ) {
// highlight
element . parentElement . querySelectorAll ( 'a' ) . forEach ( el => el . classList . remove ( 'is-active' ) ) ;
element . classList . add ( 'is-active' ) ;
// update variables;
this . cid = [ ] ;
this . did = entry ;
this . dopen = false ;
} else if ( element . id . split ( '-' ) [ 1 ] === 'crit' ) {
// toggle
element . classList . toggle ( 'is-active' ) ;
// update variables;
this . cid . indexOf ( entry ) === - 1 ? this . cid . push ( entry ) : this . cid = this . cid . filter ( function ( id ) { return id !== entry } ) ;
this . copen = false ;
// add tag
} else if ( element . id . split ( '-' ) [ 1 ] === 'param' ) {
// toggle
element . classList . toggle ( 'is-active' ) ;
// update variables;
this . cid . indexOf ( entry ) === - 1 ? this . cid . push ( entry ) : this . cid = this . cid . filter ( function ( id ) { return id !== entry } ) ;
this . copen = false ;
// add tag
this . lineChart . data . datasets . push ( ) ;
} ,
getDropdownData ( dropdown ) {
Alpine . store ( 'loading' , true ) ;
let url = BASE _URL ;
let gridCode ;
if ( this . isGrid ) {
gridCode = Alpine . store ( 'entity' ) . cellcode . substr ( 0 , 4 ) ;
console . debug ( "entity group:::: " , this . entityGroup ) ;
switch ( dropdown ) {
case 'd' :
url += '/interface/dropdowns/descriptors?entity_id=' + this . entityId + '&cellcode=' + gridCode + '&entity_group=' + this . entityGroup ;
break ;
case 'c' :
url += '/interface/dropdowns/criterias?desc_id=' + this . did + '&cellcode=' + gridCode ;
break ;
case 'p' :
url += '/interface/dropdowns/parameters?param_codes=' + this . params . join ( ',' ) ;
break ;
fetch ( url )
. then ( res => res . json ( ) )
. then ( data => {
Alpine . store ( 'loading' , false ) ;
eval ( 'this.' + dropdown + '=data' ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
loadCal ( ) {
const calendars = bulmaCalendar . attach ( '[type=date]' , { dateFormat : 'dd/MM/yyyy' , isRange : true } ) ;
// Loop on each calendar initialized
calendars . forEach ( calendar => {
calendar . on ( 'save' , data => {
this . date = {
from : calendar . startDate . toLocaleDateString ( ) ,
to : calendar . endDate . toLocaleDateString ( )
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
populateFeatureGrid ( grid ) {
const features = Alpine . store ( 'entity' ) ;
const featureCols = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( Alpine . store ( 'entity' ) ) . filter ( name => aliasMap . has ( name ) ) ;
const featureVals = featureCols . map ( col => { return { feature : aliasMap . get ( col ) , value : features [ col ] } } ) ;
console . debug ( featureVals ) ;
new gridjs . Grid ( {
data : featureVals
} ) . render ( grid ) ;
} ,
drawDataChart ( ) {
delete this . lineChart ;
delete ctx ;
if ( this . entityGroup !== 'POSEIDON' )
return ;
console . debug ( 'drawing poseidon chart...' ) ;
this . lineChart = { } ;
var ctx = document . getElementById ( 'data-chart' ) . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
console . debug ( 'fetching...' ) ;
const url = ` /data/external/POSEIDON/ ${ Alpine . store ( 'entity' ) . tspr } _ ${ Alpine . store ( 'entity' ) . type } _ ${ Alpine . store ( 'entity' ) . pid } ` ;
fetch ( url )
. then ( res => res . json ( ) )
. then ( data => {
Alpine . store ( 'loading' , false ) ;
console . debug ( "data poseidon: " , data ) ;
let chartData = { } ;
// const labels = => new Date(item.dt.replaceAll(/[T-Z]/g, ' ').trim()));
const values = data . map ( item => { return { x : item . dt , y : item . val } } ) ;
console . debug ( "poseidon values: " , values ) ;
chartData = {
datasets : [ {
label : 'Pressure' ,
data : values ,
borderColor : 'rgb(255, 99, 132)' ,
backgroundColor : 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.5)' ,
tension : 0.1
} ]
} ;
console . debug ( chartData ) ;
this . lineChart = new Chart ( ctx , {
type : 'line' ,
data : chartData ,
options : {
scales : {
x : {
type : 'time'
} ,
y : {
title : {
display : true ,
text : 'Pressure (hPa)'
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;