// -- Display information on click -- // Add an event handler for the map "click" event function wmsClick(e) { console.debug(e); let districtLayer = e.target._layers[112]; // Build the URL for a GetFeatureInfo var url = getFeatureInfoUrl( mapL, districtLayer, e.latlng, { 'info_format': 'application/json', 'propertyName': 'NAME,AREA_CODE,DESCRIPTIO' } ); // Send the request and create a popup showing the response reqwest({ url: url, type: 'json', }).then(function (data) { var feature = data.features[0]; L.popup() .setLatLng(e.latlng) .setContent(L.Util.template("
", feature.properties)) .openOn(map); }); } /** * Return the WMS GetFeatureInfo URL for the passed map, layer and coordinate. * Specific parameters can be passed as params which will override the * calculated parameters of the same name. */ function getFeatureInfoUrl(map, layer, latlng, params) { var point = map.latLngToContainerPoint(latlng, map.getZoom()), size = map.getSize(), bounds = map.getBounds(), sw = bounds.getSouthWest(), ne = bounds.getNorthEast(); // sw = crs.projection._proj.forward([sw.lng, sw.lat]), // ne = crs.projection._proj.forward([ne.lng, ne.lat]); console.debug(sw, ne); // var layer = activeLayerList["MSFD_NEW" + layerName]; var defaultParams = { request: 'GetFeatureInfo', service: 'WMS', srs: layer._crs.code, styles: '', version: layer._wmsVersion, format: layer.options.format, bbox: [sw.join(','), ne.join(',')].join(','), height: size.y, width: size.x, layers: layer.options.layers, query_layers: layer.options.layers, info_format: 'text/html' }; params = L.Util.extend(defaultParams, params || {}); params[params.version === '1.3.0' ? 'i' : 'x'] = point.x; params[params.version === '1.3.0' ? 'j' : 'y'] = point.y; return layer._url + L.Util.getParamString(params, layer._url, true); }