var requestsGrid; var wfd; var legends = {}; var selectedEntityGroup = null; var selectedEntityId = null; var selectedMru = null; async function get_layer_list() { let response = await fetch(BASE_URL + '/src/geoserver/get_layers.php'); if (response.ok) { // if HTTP-status is 200-299 // get the response body (the method explained below) let json = await response.json(); return json } else { alert("HTTP-Error: " + response.status); } } async function fetchGeoJson(layerCode) { console.debug('fetching geojson...'); const url = BASE_URL + "/interface/geojson/" + layerCode; try { const response = await fetch(url); const data = await response.json(); console.debug('geojson data: ', data); return data; } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } function highlightFeature(e) { let overLayer =; = { weight: overLayer.options.weight, color: overLayer.options.color, dashArray: overLayer.options.dashArray, fillOpacity: overLayer.options.fillOpacity }; console.debug("highlighted: ",; try { overLayer.setStyle({ weight: 5, color: '#666', dashArray: '', fillOpacity: 0.7 }); } catch (err) { console.log('could not change style'); } } function resetHighlight(e) { try {; delete; } catch { console.debug('eee'); } } function onEachFeature(feature, layer) { layer.on({ mouseover: highlightFeature, mouseout: resetHighlight, click: zoomToFeature }); } function styleLine(feature, layer) { return { fillColor: getColor(), // weight: 2, radius: 8, opacity: 1, color: '#000', dashArray: '3', fillOpacity: 0.8 }; } function stylePoint(feature, latlng) { console.debug(feature); return L.circleMarker(latlng, styleRules); }; function getColor(d=null) { if (d != null) return intToRGB(hashCode(d)); else return "#ff7800"; } function intToRGB(i){ var c = (i & 0x00FFFFFF) .toString(16) .toUpperCase(); return "00000".substring(0, 6 - c.length) + c; } function hashCode(str) { // java String#hashCode var hash = 0; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { hash = str.charCodeAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash); } return hash; } // zoom to feature (for data sources) function zoomToFeature(e) { let featureId =; console.debug('feature zoomed: ',; try { selectedEntityGroup ='.')[0]; selectedEntityId =; } catch (error) { selectedEntityId =; } lonlat = {lon: e.latlng.lng, lat:}; moreInfoPopup(; try { mapL.fitBounds(; } catch (err) { console.log('cannot zoom ', err); } } function boundsToExtent(northEast, southWest, my_crs) { let my_proj = my_crs.projection; let rt = my_proj.project(northEast); let lb = my_proj.project(southWest); return { left: lb.x, bottom: lb.y, right: rt.x, top: rt.y } } function getBathymetry() { // load contours in JSON const url = ""; const rainbow_url = ""; let remoteLayer; // add rainbow colored bathymetry map const rnb = L.tileLayer.wms(rainbow_url, { transparent: true, layers: 'emodnet:mean_rainbowcolour', format: 'image/png'}); const cnt = L.tileLayer.wms(rainbow_url, { transparent: true, layers: 'emodnet:contours', format: 'image/png'}); legends['DPTH'] = L.control.Legend({ position: "bottomright", title: 'Bathymetry', symbolWidth: 150, symbolHeight: 208, collapsed: false, legends: [{ type: "image", label: ' ', url: "" }] }).addTo(mapL); remoteLayer = L.layerGroup([rnb, cnt]); return remoteLayer; } async function getDepthOnPoint(latlng) { await fetch(`${latlng.lng}%20${})`, { "credentials": "omit", "headers": { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:104.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/104.0", "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1", "Sec-Fetch-Dest": "document", "Sec-Fetch-Mode": "navigate", "Sec-Fetch-Site": "same-site", "Sec-GPC": "1" }, "method": "GET", "mode": "cors" }).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(depthInfo => { const depth = depthInfo.avg.toString(); L.popup() .setLatLng(latlng) .setContent(`
Topography (m)
`) .openOn(mapL); }); } // function downloadStationData(stationid) { // console.debug('stationid: ', stationid); // if (stationid.length === 0) { // return; // } // fetch(`${BASE_URL}/src/data/get_station_data.php?id=${stationid}`, { // "credentials": "include", // "headers": { // "Accept": "application/zip", // "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5", // "Sec-Fetch-Dest": "empty", // "Sec-Fetch-Mode": "cors", // "Sec-Fetch-Site": "same-origin", // "Pragma": "no-cache", // "Cache-Control": "no-cache" // }, // "method": "GET", // "mode": "cors" // }).then(res => { return res.blob(); }) // .then((data) => { // var a = document.createElement("a"); // a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(data); // = "request"; //; // }); // } // function downloadCruiseData(cruiseId) { // if (cruiseId.length === 0) { // return; // } // console.debug("CRUISE ID: ", cruiseId); // // fetch(`${BASE_URL}/src/data/get_cruise_data.php?id=${cruiseId}`, { // "credentials": "include", // "headers": { // "Accept": "application/zip", // "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5", // "Sec-Fetch-Dest": "empty", // "Sec-Fetch-Mode": "cors", // "Sec-Fetch-Site": "same-origin", // "Pragma": "no-cache", // "Cache-Control": "no-cache" // }, // "method": "GET", // "mode": "cors" // }).then(res => { return res.blob(); }) // .then((data) => { // var a = document.createElement("a"); // a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(data); // = "request"; //; // }); // } function getHabitat(layerCode) { // load contours in JSON const url = ""; const lgndUrl = "" // add rainbow colored bathymetry map let habitats = new L.layerGroup(); const lrs = ['eusm2021_msfd_800', 'eusm2021_msfd_400', 'eusm2021_msfd_200']; let l; lrs.forEach(layer => { l = L.tileLayer.betterWms(url, { transparent: true, layers: layer, format: 'image/png'}); habitats.addLayer(l) }); legends[layerCode] = L.control.Legend({ position: "bottomright", symbolWidth: 400, symbolHeight: 600, collapsed: false, title: 'Habitat Type', legends: [{ type: "image", label: ' ', url: lgndUrl }] }).addTo(mapL); return habitats; } function moreInfoPopup(props) { let title; if (props.hasOwnProperty('code')) { title = `${props.code} — ${}`; } else { title = `Grid — ${props.cellcode}`; } console.debug(props); // if (typeof props.code == 'undefined' && typeof == 'undefined') if (typeof props.tspr !== 'undefined') { title = `POSEIDON — ${}`; props.entityGroup = 'POSEIDON'; } if (typeof props.ctStationCode !== 'undefined') title = `WFD — ${props.ctStationCode}`;'entity', props); getPagePartial('more-info').then(content => { new L.control.window(mapL, { title: title, content: `${content}`, visible: true, position: 'left' }); }); } function mruPopup(props) { if (props.hasOwnProperty('nssg')) { L.popup() .setLatLng([props.y_coord, props.x_coord]) .setContent(`
NSSG Label
`) .openOn(mapL); return; } let title;'mru', props); title = `MRU: ${props.mr_ms_aa}`; getPagePartial('mru-info').then(content => { content.props = props; new L.control.window(mapL, { title: title, content: `${content}`, visible: true, position: 'left' }); }); } // Fetches html from elements folder async function getPagePartial(partialName, target=null) { // const url = BASE_URL + `/src/Views/${partialName}.php`; const url = BASE_URL + `/interface/partial/${partialName}`; const res = await fetch(url) .then((response) => {return response.text();}) .then((content) => { return content }) .catch((err) => {return err;}); try { // fill target element with html document.querySelector(target).innerHTML = res; } catch(err) { return res; } } function getProduct(layer) { let url = layer.endpoint; let legendUrl = layer.legend; let l; l = L.tileLayer.betterWms(url, { transparent: true, layers: layer.code, format: 'image/png'}); legends[layer.code] = L.control.Legend({ position: "bottomright", symbolWidth: 100, symbolHeight: 200, collapsed: false, title: 'Probability of habitat presence', legends: [{ type: "image", label: ' ', url: legendUrl }] }).addTo(mapL); mapL.on('click', e => { let location = e.latlng; }); return l; } /** * Submit a request to the server and returns the entry inserted * @param {number} desc * @param {number} crit * @return {json} */ // function request_data(desc, crit, from, to, bodyId=null) { // console.debug('requesting data'); // let url = BASE_URL + `/src/data/search_request_data.php?bodyid=${bodyId}&dateFrom=${from}&dateTo=${to}&criteria=${crit}`; // fetch(url) // .then(res => { // return res.json(); // }).then(data => { // db.requests.add({ // uuid: data.uuid, // filename: data.filename // }).then(d => { // requestsGrid.updateConfig({ // data: data // }).forceRender(); // }); // }); // } function initializeLayerTree() { pTree = new PickleTree({ c_target: 'layertree', //'maptab_treeview', c_config: { // options here switchMode: true, hasLink: true, drag: false, contextPos: 'before', foldedStatus: true }, switchCallback: layerTreeSwitch, c_data: myData }); } function getWFD(layerName, layerTitle) { const legendName = layerName.split('_').slice(1,3).join('_'); const lgndUrl = BASE_URL + "/img/legends/" + legendName + ".png"; console.debug(lgndUrl); let l; l = L.tileLayer.wms(BASE_URL + '/geoserver/wms', { transparent: true, layers: layerName, format: 'image/png'}); legends[layerName] = L.control.Legend({ position: "bottomright", title: layerTitle, symbolWidth: 90, symbolHeight: 130, collapsed: false, legends: [{ type: "image", label: '', url: lgndUrl }] }).addTo(mapL); return l; } async function searchForRequests() { let response = await fetch(BASE_URL + '/actions/requests'); if (response.ok) { // if HTTP-status is 200-299 // get the response body (the method explained below) let json = await response.json(); return json; } else { alert("HTTP-Error: " + response.status); } } function flattenJson(data, depth = 1) { var result = {}; function recurse(cur, prop) { if (Object(cur) !== cur || depth === 0) { result[prop] = cur; } else if (Array.isArray(cur)) { for(var i=0, l=cur.length; i { pies.remove(); pies = createPie(data, value); group.addLayer(pies); },{ min: 1990, max: 2019, step: 1, value: 1990, logo: 'Year Selector', }).addTo(mapL); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } bgLayer.addTo(group); return group; } function getRandomColor() { var letters = '0123456789ABCDEF'; var color = '#'; for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { color += letters[Math.floor(Math.random() * 16)]; } return color; }