You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
114 lines
2.5 KiB
114 lines
2.5 KiB
/*version message*/ |
var quicksearchLang={ |
"en_us":{ |
emptyComboText:'Quick Search' |
}, |
"el_gr":{ |
emptyComboText:'Γρήγορη Αναζήτηση' |
} |
} |
Ext.define('QuickSearchModel', { |
extend: '', |
fields: [{ |
name: '_displayField', |
type: 'string' |
},{ |
name: '_label', |
type: 'string' |
},{ |
name: '_featureId', |
type: 'string' |
},{ |
name: '_layerId', |
type: 'string' |
},{ |
name: '_srsName', |
type: 'string' |
},{ |
name: '_featureUrl', |
type: 'string' |
},{ |
name: '_featureGeomFormat', |
type: 'string' |
},{ |
name: '_featureAttributes', |
type: 'string' |
}] |
}); |
var quickSearchStore = Ext.create('', { |
model: 'QuickSearchModel', |
autoLoad: 'true', |
proxy: { |
type: 'ajax', |
url: host+"modules/quicksearch/src/index.php", |
reader: { |
type: 'json' |
} |
}, |
sorters: [{ |
property: '_label', |
direction: 'ASC' // or 'ASC' |
}], |
listeners:{ |
beforeload:function(store){ |
Ext.Ajax.abort(); |
} |
} |
}); |
var quicksearch_template = new Ext.XTemplate( |
'<tpl for="."><div class="x-boundlist-item" style="border-bottom:1px solid #e3e3e3;">', |
'<span>{_label}</span>', |
'</div></tpl>' |
); |
var quicksearch_field=[ |
{xtype: 'tbseparator'}, |
{ |
xtype:'combo', |
emptyText:quicksearchLang[language].emptyComboText, |
typeAhead: false, |
hideTrigger:true, |
width:300, |
store:quickSearchStore, |
tpl:quicksearch_template, |
valueField: '_displayField', |
displayField: '_displayField', |
mode: 'remote', |
minChars : 1, |
listeners: |
{ |
select: function(combo,record){ |
var record=record[0]; |
var _feature={ |
|, |
|, |
|, |
|, |
|, |
_featureAttributes:"" |
}; |
var _w = fn_featureInfoWindow(_feature); |
|; |
fn_featureShowOnMap(,,,,,""); |
fn_featureHighlightFeatureInfo(_feature); |
} |
} |
}] |
init_onload_fn.push(init_quicksearch); |
function init_quicksearch() |
{ |
Ext.getCmp("maptab_toolbar_navigation_tab").add(quicksearch_field); |