Fullstack Portal Created by the HCMR for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Program in order to cover demands and aspects considering extendability and maintainability
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

490 lines
16 KiB

function advancedSearch() {
return {
gopen: false,
bopen: false,
dopen: false,
copen: false,
loading: false,
submitDisabled: true,
g: {},
b: {},
d: {},
c: {},
tagName(type, id) {
if (type === 'b') {
return this.b.find(i => i.id == id).label;
} else if (type === 'c') {
return this.c.find(i => i.id == id).code;
} else if (type === 'g') {
try {
return this.g.find(i => i.id == id).label;
} catch(err) {
} else if (type === 'd') {
try {
return this.d.find(i => i.id == id).code;
} catch (err) {
gid: null,
bid: [],
did: null,
cid: [],
date: {},
search() {
generateRequest(this.did, this.cid, this.date.from, this.date.to, this.bid);
// Triggers when an entry is selected from any of the dropdowns
selectEntry(element, entry) {
const selType = element.id.split('-')[1];
if (selType === 'group') {
element.parentElement.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(el => el.classList.remove('is-active'));
// update variables;
this.bid = [];
this.gid = entry;
this.gopen = false;
} else if (selType === 'body') {
// toggle
// update variables;
this.bid.indexOf(entry) === -1 ? this.bid.push(entry) : this.bid = this.bid.filter(function(id) { return id !== entry});
this.bopen = false;
// add tag
} else if (selType === 'desc') {
// highlight
element.parentElement.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(el => el.classList.remove('is-active'));
// update variables;
this.cid = [];
this.did = entry;
this.dopen = false;
} else if (selType === 'crit') {
// toggle
// update variables;
this.cid.indexOf(entry) === -1 ? this.cid.push(entry) : this.cid = this.cid.filter(function(id) { return id !== entry});
this.copen = false;
// add tag
this.submitDisabled = !(this.bid.length > 0 && this.cid.length > 0);
getDropdownData(dropdown) {
this.loading = true;
let url = BASE_URL;
switch(dropdown) {
case 'g':
url += '/interface/dropdowns/watergroups';
case 'b':
url += '/interface/dropdowns/waterbodies?group_id=' + this.gid;
case 'd':
url += '/interface/dropdowns/descriptors?body_id=' + this.bid;
case 'c':
url += '/interface/dropdowns/criterias?desc_id=' + this.did;
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {
this.isLoading = false;
eval('this.' + dropdown + '=data');
loadCal() {
const calendars = bulmaCalendar.attach('[type=date]', {dateFormat: 'dd/MM/yyyy', isRange: true,
minDate: '01/01/1990'});
// Loop on each calendar initialized
calendars.forEach(calendar => {
calendar.on('save', data => {
this.date = {
from: calendar.startDate.toLocaleDateString(),
to: calendar.endDate.toLocaleDateString()
// function makeRequestsGrid() {
// window.requestsGrid = new gridjs.Grid({
// columns: ['UUID', 'Criterias',
// {
// name: 'Requested At',
// },
// {
// name: 'Status',
// },
// {
// name: 'Actions',
// formatter: (cell, row) => {
// if (cell == 'f') {
// return "";
// }
// return gridjs.h('button', {
// className: 'py-2 mb-4 px-4 border rounded-md text-white bg-blue-600',
// onClick: () => downloadOneFile(row.cells[0].data)
// }, 'Download');
// }
// }],
// search: false,
// server: {
// url: BASE_URL + '/actions/requests/',
// then: data => data.map(reqs => [reqs.uuid, reqs.criterias, reqs.requested_at, reqs.status, reqs.downloadable])
// }
// }).render(document.getElementById('grid-requests'));
// setInterval(function() {
// requestsGrid.forceRender();
// }, 20000);
// }
function refreshRequestGrid() {
function downloadOneFile(fileUUID) {
const url = BASE_URL + '/actions/data/download?uuid=' + fileUUID;
"credentials": "include",
"headers": {
"Accept": "application/zip",
"Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5",
"Sec-Fetch-Dest": "empty",
"Sec-Fetch-Mode": "cors",
"Pragma": "no-cache",
"Cache-Control": "no-cache"
"method": "GET",
"mode": "cors"}
.then(res => { return res.blob(); })
.then(data => {
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);
a.download = fileUUID;
* Submit a request to the server and returns the entry inserted
* @param {number} desc
* @param {number} crit
* @return {json}
function generateRequest(desc, crit, from, to, bodyId=null) {
console.debug('requesting data');
const url = BASE_URL + `/actions/data/search?bodyId=${bodyId}&dateFrom=${from}&dateTo=${to}&critId=${crit}`;
.then(res => {
return res.json();
}).then(data => {
uuid: data.uuid,
parameters: data.parameters,
status: data.status
}).then(d => {
alert('Request complete. Check the request tab');
* Function to request data for a specific entity such as station or cruise
* @param {number} desc - The descriptor id
* @param {number} crit - The criteria id
* @param {string} from - The start date for which the data is to be requested
* @param {string} to - The end date for which the data is to be requested
* @param {string} entityGroup - The entity group (e.g. cruise station, argo, wfd station)
* @param {string} entityId - The entity feature id (e.g. station id)
* @return {null}
function requestEntityData(desc, crit, from, to, entityGroup, entityId) {
const url = BASE_URL + `/actions/data/search?entityGroup=${entityGroup}&entityId=${entityId}&dateFrom=${from}&dateTo=${to}&critId=${crit}`;
.then(res => {
return res.json();
}).then(data => {
uuid: data.uuid,
parameters: data.parameters,
status: data.status
}).then(d => {
alert('Request complete. Check the request tab');
* Function to request data for a specific entity that has an external source
* @param {number} desc - The descriptor id
* @param {number} crit - The criteria id
* @param {string} from - The start date for which the data is to be requested
* @param {string} to - The end date for which the data is to be requested
* @param {string} entityGroup - The entity group (e.g. cruise station, argo, wfd station)
* @param {string} entityId - The entity feature id (e.g. station id)
* @return {null}
function requestExternalData(desc, crit, from, to, entityGroup, entityId) {
console.debug('requesting external data');
const url = BASE_URL + `/src/data/request_external_data.php?entityGroup=${entityGroup}&entityId=${entityId}&dateFrom=${from}&dateTo=${to}&critId=${crit}`;
.then(res => {
return res.blob();
}).then(data => {
const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url;
a.download = `external_data-${entityId}.json`;
function clearRequests() {
let url = BASE_URL + `/actions/requests/`;
if (confirm('Clear requests list?')) {
fetch(url, {
method: 'DELETE'
.then(response => {
if (response.ok)
} else {
// function moreInfo() {
// return {
// entityGroup: selectedEntityGroup,
// entityId: selectedEntityId || Alpine.store('entity').id,
// dopen: false,
// copen: false,
// loading: false,
// isGrid: Alpine.store('entity').hasOwnProperty('cellcode'),
// d: {},
// c: {},
// tagName(type, id) {
// if (id == null)
// return;
// if (type === 'd') {
// return this.d.find(i => i.id == id).code;
// } else if (type === 'c') {
// return this.c.find(i => i.id == id).code;
// }
// },
// did: null,
// cid: [],
// date: {},
// search() {
// this.drawDataChart();
// // check if entity has an external source
// if (this.$store.entity.hasOwnProperty('ctStationCode')) {
// requestExternalData(this.did, this.cid, this.date.from, this.date.to, this.entityGroup, this.entityId);
// } else {
// requestEntityData(this.did, this.cid, this.date.from, this.date.to, this.entityGroup, this.entityId);
// }
// },
// selectEntry(element, entry) {
// console.debug(element.text.substr(0, element.text.indexOf(' ')));
// if (element.id.split('-')[1] === 'desc') {
// // highlight
// element.parentElement.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(el => el.classList.remove('is-active'));
// element.classList.add('is-active');
// // update variables;
// this.cid = [];
// this.did = entry;
// this.dopen = false;
// } else if (element.id.split('-')[1] === 'crit') {
// // toggle
// element.classList.toggle('is-active');
// // update variables;
// this.cid.indexOf(entry) === -1 ? this.cid.push(entry) : this.cid = this.cid.filter(function(id) { return id !== entry});
// this.copen = false;
// // add tag
// }
// },
// getDropdownData(dropdown) {
// this.loading = true;
// let url = BASE_URL;
// let gridCode;
// if (this.isGrid) {
// gridCode = Alpine.store('entity').cellcode.substr(0,4);
// }
// switch(dropdown) {
// case 'd':
// url += '/interface/dropdowns/descriptors?entity_id=' + this.entityId + '&cellcode=' + gridCode;
// break;
// case 'c':
// url += '/interface/dropdowns/criterias?desc_id=' + this.did + '&cellcode=' + gridCode;
// break;
// }
// fetch(url)
// .then(res => res.json())
// .then(data => {
// this.isLoading = false;
// eval('this.' + dropdown + '=data');
// });
// },
// loadCal() {
// const calendars = bulmaCalendar.attach('[type=date]', {dateFormat: 'dd/MM/yyyy', isRange: true});
// // Loop on each calendar initialized
// calendars.forEach(calendar => {
// calendar.on('save', data => {
// this.date = {
// from: calendar.startDate.toLocaleDateString(),
// to: calendar.endDate.toLocaleDateString()
// }
// });
// });
// },
// populateFeatureGrid(grid) {
// const features = Alpine.store('entity');
// console.debug(features);
// const featureCols = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Alpine.store('entity')).filter(name => aliasMap.has(name));
// const featureVals = featureCols.map(col => {return {feature: aliasMap.get(col), value: features[col]}});
// console.debug(featureVals);
// new gridjs.Grid({
// data: featureVals
// }).render(grid);
// },
// drawDataChart() {
// if (this.entityGroup != 'POSEIDON')
// return;
// const url = `/data/external/POSEIDON/${Alpine.store('entity').tspr}_${Alpine.store('entity').type}_${Alpine.store('entity').pid}`;
// fetch(url)
// .then(res => res.json())
// .then(data => {
// this.isLoading = false;
// console.debug(data);
// });
// const config = {
// type: 'line',
// data: data,
// options: {
// responsive: true,
// plugins: {
// legend: {
// position: 'top',
// },
// title: {
// display: true,
// text: 'Chart.js Line Chart'
// }
// }
// },
// };
// }
// };
// }
// function mruInfo() {
// return {
// dopen: false,
// copen: false,
// loading: false,
// d: {},
// c: {},
// tagName(type, id) {
// if (id == null)
// return;
// if (type === 'd') {
// return this.d.find(i => i.id == id).code;
// } else if (type === 'c') {
// return this.c.find(i => i.id == id).code;
// }
// },
// bid: Alpine.store('mru').objectid,
// did: null,
// cid: [],
// date: {},
// search() {
// generateRequest(this.did, this.cid, this.date.from, this.date.to, this.bid);
// },
// selectEntry(element, entry) {
// console.debug(element.text.substr(0, element.text.indexOf(' ')));
// if (element.id.split('-')[1] === 'desc') {
// // highlight
// element.parentElement.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(el => el.classList.remove('is-active'));
// element.classList.add('is-active');
// // update variables;
// this.cid = [];
// this.did = entry;
// this.dopen = false;
// } else if (element.id.split('-')[1] === 'crit') {
// // toggle
// element.classList.toggle('is-active');
// // update variables;
// this.cid.indexOf(entry) === -1 ? this.cid.push(entry) : this.cid = this.cid.filter(function(id) { return id !== entry});
// this.copen = false;
// // add tag
// }
// },
// getDropdownData(dropdown) {
// this.loading = true;
// let url = BASE_URL;
// switch(dropdown) {
// case 'd':
// url += '/interface/dropdowns/descriptors?body_id=' + this.bid;
// break;
// case 'c':
// url += '/interface/dropdowns/criterias?desc_id=' + this.did;
// break;
// }
// fetch(url)
// .then(res => res.json())
// .then(data => {
// this.isLoading = false;
// eval('this.' + dropdown + '=data');
// });
// },
// loadCal() {
// const calendars = bulmaCalendar.attach('[type=date]', {dateFormat: 'dd/MM/yyyy', isRange: true});
// // Loop on each calendar initialized
// calendars.forEach(calendar => {
// calendar.on('save', data => {
// this.date = {
// from: calendar.startDate.toLocaleDateString(),
// to: calendar.endDate.toLocaleDateString()
// }
// });
// });
// },
// populateFeatureGrid(grid) {
// console.debug(grid);
// const features = Alpine.store('mru');
// const featureCols = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Alpine.store('mru')).filter(name => aliasMap.has(name));
// const featureVals = featureCols.map(col => {return {feature: aliasMap.get(col), value: features[col]}});
// console.debug(featureVals);
// new gridjs.Grid({
// data: featureVals
// }).render(grid);
// }
// };
// }