Fullstack Portal Created by the HCMR for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Program in order to cover demands and aspects considering extendability and maintainability
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

414 lines
11 KiB

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const myData = [{
n_id: 1,
n_title: 'MARINE AREAS',
n_parentid: 0,
n_id: 11,
n_title: 'Assessment Areas',
n_parentid: 1
n_id: 111,
n_title: 'Mediterranean Sea Region',
code: "ms_el_mediterranean_assessment_area",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 11
n_id: 112,
n_title: 'Adriatic Sea subregion',
code: "mad_el_ms_ad_adriatic_assessment_area",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 11
n_id: 113,
n_title: 'Ionian Sea and Central Mediterranean Sea subregion',
code: "mic_el_ms_io_ionian_assessment_area",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 11
n_id: 114,
n_title: 'Aegean-Levantine subregion',
code: "mal_el_ms_al_aegean_levantine_assessment_area",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 11
n_id: 115,
n_title: 'Aegean-Levantine subregion – Aegean Sea',
code: "mal_el_aa_ae_aegean_assessment_area",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 11
n_id: 116,
n_title: 'Aegean-Levantine subregion – North Aegean Sea',
code: "mal_el_aa_na_north_aegean_assessment_area",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 11
n_id: 117,
n_title: 'Aegean-Levantine subregion – Central and South Aegean Sea',
code: "mal_el_aa_csa_central_south_aegean_assessment_area",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 11
n_id: 118,
n_title: 'Aegean-Levantine subregion - Levantine Sea',
code: "mal_el_aa_le_levantine_assessment_area",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 11
n_id: 12,
n_title: 'Coastal Waters',
code: "v_el_mrus_nov2021_epsg3035_coastal_waters",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 1
n_id: 16,
n_title: 'Coastal Water Bodies (WFD)',
code: "v_el_mrus_nov2021_epsg3035_coasts",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 1
n_id: 13,
n_title: 'Territorial Waters',
code: "v_el_mrus_nov2021_epsg3035_territorial",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 1
n_id: 14,
n_title: 'Territorial Part beyond Coastal Waters',
code: "v_el_mrus_nov2021_epsg3035_territorial_from_coastal",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 1
n_id: 15,
n_title: 'Beyond Territorial Waters',
code: "v_el_mrus_nov2021_epsg3035_beyond_territorial",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 1
n_id: 2,
n_title: 'DATA SOURCES',
n_parentid: 0,
n_id: 21,
n_parentid: 2,
n_id: 213,
n_title: 'Beach Stations',
code: "beach_stations",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 21
n_id: 211,
n_title: 'MSFD Stations',
code: "cruise_stations",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 21
n_id: 212,
n_title: 'MSFD Cruises',
n_parentid: 21
n_id: 2121,
n_title: 'Cruise 2018',
code: "cruise_2018",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 212
n_id: 2122,
n_title: 'Cruise 2019 A',
code: "cruise_2019_a",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 212
n_id: 2123,
n_title: 'Cruise 2019 B',
code: "cruise_2019_b",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 212
n_id: 2124,
n_title: 'Cruise 2020 A',
code: "cruise_2020_a",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 212
n_id: 2125,
n_title: 'Cruise 2020 B',
code: "cruise_2020_b",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 212
n_id: 2126,
n_title: 'Cruise 2021 A',
code: "cruise_2021_a",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 212
n_id: 2127,
n_title: 'Cruise 2021 B',
code: "cruise_2021_b",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 212
n_id: 2128,
n_title: 'Cruise 2019 A INALE',
code: "cruise_2019_a_inale",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 212
n_id: 2129,
n_title: 'Cruise 2019 B INALE',
code: "cruise_2019_b_inale",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 212
n_id: 21291,
n_title: 'Cruise 2021 A INALE',
code: "cruise_2021_a_inale",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 212
n_id: 21292,
n_title: 'Cruise 2021 B INALE',
code: "cruise_2021_b_inale",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 212
n_id: 21293,
n_title: 'Cruise 2021 C INALE',
code: "cruise_2021_c_inale",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 212
n_id: 214,
n_title: 'Marine Natura Sites (Monitored under D1)',
code: "v_marine_natura2000_end2021_epsg3035_sitetype", //"marine_natura2000_end2021_epsg3035",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 21
n_id: 215,
n_title: 'EEA Marine Assessment Grid 10x10',
code: "grid_10km_3035",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 21
n_id: 216,
n_title: 'EEA Marine Assessment Grid 25x25',
code: "grid_25km_3035",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 21
n_id: 22,
n_title: 'OTHER',
n_parentid: 2,
}, {
n_id: 221,
n_title: 'Poseidon',
code: "POSEIDON",
n_parentid: 22
n_id: 222,
n_title: 'Argo',
code: "argo_stations",
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 22
n_id: 223,
n_title: 'WFD',
code: "coastal_wfd",
n_parentid: 22
n_id: 3,
n_title: 'PRODUCTS',
n_parentid: 0,
}, {
n_id: 31,
n_title: 'MSFD',
n_parentid: 3,
}, {
n_id: 32,
n_title: 'OTHER',
n_parentid: 3,
n_id: 33,
n_title: 'WFD',
n_parentid: 3,
n_id: 311,
n_title: 'D3',
n_parentid: 31,
n_id: 3111,
n_title: 'Annual Fisheries Production per fishing gear per NSSG area (NSSG: National Statistical Service of Greece)',
code: 'AFPPY',
n_parentid: 311,
n_id: 321 ,
n_title: 'EMODNET Bathymetry',
code: 'DPTH',
n_parentid: 32,
n_elements: nodeContextLink,
n_hyperlink: "https://doi.org/10.12770/bb6a87dd-e579-4036-abe1-e649cea9881a"
n_id: 322 ,
n_title: 'EMODNET Habitats',
code: 'HABT',
n_parentid: 32,
n_elements: nodeContextLink,
n_hyperlink: "http://gis.ices.dk/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/10d3d35c-8f8e-40ff-898f-32e0b037356c"
// {
// n_id: 323 ,
// n_title: 'EMODNET Chemistry',
// code: 'CHEM',
// n_parentid: 32,
// n_elements: nodeContext,
// n_hyperlink: "https://ec.oceanbrowser.net/emodnet/Python/web/wms",
// hidden: true
// },
// {
// n_id: 3231,
// n_title: 'Eutrophication',
// code: 'CHEM_PHPL',
// n_parentid: 323,
// n_elements: nodeContext,
// n_hyperlink: "https://ec.oceanbrowser.net/emodnet/Python/web/wms"
// },
n_id: 324,
n_title: 'Probability of coralligenous habitat in the Mediterranean (MEDISEH)',
code: 'mediseh_cora',
n_parentid: 32,
n_elements: nodeContextLink,
n_hyperlink: "http://gis.ices.dk/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/4da88de5-b0b8-4de4-8aac-99a9b0980736"
n_id: 325,
n_title: 'Probability of maerl habitat in the Mediterranean (MEDISEH)',
code: 'mediseh_maerl',
n_parentid: 32,
n_elements: nodeContextLink,
n_hyperlink: "http://gis.ices.dk/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/43c7ac30-04da-479d-b5c1-ba621f0981e4"
n_id: 326,
n_title: 'Probability of Posidonia oceanica in the Mediterranean (MEDISEH)',
code: 'mediseh_posidonia',
n_parentid: 32,
n_elements: nodeContextLink,
n_hyperlink: "http://gis.ices.dk/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/a93cffc8-8f45-47a4-a9bd-c8ffd9ad53fb"
n_id: 327 ,
n_title: 'Seagrass Meadows',
code: 'greek_seagrass_meadows_v0906_espg3035',
n_parentid: 32,
n_elements: nodeContext.concat(nodeContextLink, citation),
n_hyperlink: "https://www.seanoe.org/data/00765/87740/",
n_citation: "https://doi.org/10.1515/bot-2022-0011"
n_id: 331,
n_title: 'Integrated Ecological Status',
n_parentid: 33
n_id: 332,
n_title: 'Benthic MacroInvertebrates – BMI (D2C1, D5C8, D6C3, D6C5)',
n_parentid: 33
n_id: 333,
n_title: 'Macroalgae (MAI)',
n_parentid: 33
n_id: 334,
n_title: 'Angiosperms – AN (D2C1, D6C3, D6C5)',
n_parentid: 33
n_id: 335,
n_title: 'Chlorophyl-a (D4C2, D5C2)',
n_parentid: 33
n_id: 336,
n_title: 'PhysicoChemical Quality Index – PCQI (D5C1, D5C4, D5C5)',
n_parentid: 33
n_id: 337,
n_title: 'Chemical Status – Chem (D8C1)',
n_parentid: 33
n_id: 3311,
n_title: 'Ecological Status',
code: 'wfd_eco_status_',
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 331
n_id: 3321,
n_title: 'BMI Status',
code: 'wfd_bmi_status_',
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 332
n_id: 3331,
n_title: 'MA Status',
code: 'wfd_ma_status_',
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 333
n_id: 3341,
n_title: 'AN Status',
code: 'wfd_an_status_',
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 334
n_id: 3351,
n_title: 'Chl-a Status',
code: 'wfd_chla_status_',
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 335
n_id: 3361,
n_title: 'PCQI Status',
code: 'wfd_chla_status_',
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 336
n_id: 3371,
n_title: 'Chemi Status',
code: 'wfd_chem_status_',
n_elements: nodeContext,
n_parentid: 337
/* =======================*/