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CSVFormatter clear history 2 years ago
ExcelFormatter clear history 2 years ago
ServerSide clear history 2 years ago
Exporter.js clear history 2 years ago
ExporterButton.js clear history 2 years ago
FileSaver.js clear history 2 years ago
Formatter.js clear history 2 years ago
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h1. Ext.ux.Exporter

h2. About

p. Exporter is a generic export class which takes any Ext.data.Store-based component (e.g. grids and similar) and exports the data in any format.

p. Exporter can work both client-side and server-side(only if browser doesn't support client side save).

p. It uses a Formatter classes to generate a document (.xls, .csv etc) which is then used to create a Blob. With this blob url you can save file locally in browser.
If browser doesn't support blob, you can either open document in new window with data: uri or download remotely by sending data to server

h2. Installation

* Download the latest version from here and copy it into your ux/exporter folder.

* Include "Ext.ux.exporter.Exporter" in requires of your App

* Create an instance of ExporterButton with required configs

h2. Usage

p. The most common use case for the Exporter is exporting a grid to CSV/Excel, which is as simple as doing the following:

bc.. var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
store: someStore,
tbar : [
xtype: 'exporterbutton',
store: someStore
//Or you can use
//component: someGrid
//component: someTree
//component: '#someGridItemId'
//your normal grid config goes here

p. The provided 'exportbutton' is just a specialised Ext.Button subclass which uses Ext.ux.exporter.FileSaver to save file locally or download remotely.

h2. Demo
