You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
675 lines
16 KiB
675 lines
16 KiB
var tbarChartLang={ |
"en_us":{ |
chartTbarBtn:'Diagrams', |
chartTitle:'Diagrams', |
chooseLayer:'Choose Layer', |
x_axis:'X Axis', |
y_axis:'Y Axis', |
chartType:'Chart Type', |
chartShowBtn:'Show Chart', |
chartTypePie:'Pie Chart', |
chartTypeColumn:'Column Chart', |
chartTypeLine:'Line Chart', |
columnCountTitle:'Count' |
}, |
"el_gr":{ |
chartTbarBtn:'Διαγράμματα', |
chartTitle:'Διαγράμματα', |
chooseLayer:'Επιλογή Επιπέδου', |
x_axis:'Άξονας Χ', |
y_axis:'Άξονας Υ', |
chartType:'Τύπος Διαγράμματος', |
chartShowBtn:'Εμφάνιση Διαγράμματος', |
chartTypePie:'Διάγραμμα Πίτας', |
chartTypeColumn:'Διάγραμμα Στηλών', |
chartTypeLine:'Διάγραμμα Γραμμής', |
columnCountTitle:'Πλήθος' |
} |
} |
var chartStore = ""; |
var chartBtnGeneralTab=[ |
{xtype: 'tbseparator'}, |
{ |
xtype:'button', |
iconCls:'chart', |
tooltip:tbarChartLang[language].chartTitle, |
handler:function(){ |
var _w = new fn_ChartWinSettings(''); |
|; |
} |
}]; |
var tbarChartWindowBtn={ |
xtype:'button', |
iconCls:'chart', |
tooltip:tbarChartLang[language].chartTbarBtn, |
handler:function(){ |
var _layerId; |
if (typeof Ext.getCmp(this.findParentByType("grid").id)._layerId!=="undefined") |
{ |
var _store = Ext.getCmp(this.findParentByType("grid").id).getStore(); |
_layerId = Ext.getCmp(this.findParentByType("grid").id)._layerId; |
var _w = fn_ChartWinSettings(_store,_layerId); |
|; |
var record = Ext.getCmp("chartLayerCombo").getStore().findRecord('_layerId', _layerId); |
Ext.getCmp("chartLayerCombo").fireEvent('select', Ext.getCmp("chartLayerCombo"), [record]); |
Ext.getCmp("chartLayerCombo").disable(); |
} |
} |
} |
function init_chart() |
{ |
fetureGridTopBarRightBtns.push(tbarChartWindowBtn); |
//Ext.getCmp("maptab_toolbar_north").add(chartBtnGeneralTab); |
mapOnRemoveLayer(chartLayersComboStorePopulate); |
mapOnAddLayer(chartLayersComboStorePopulate); |
chartLayersComboStorePopulate(); |
} |
init_onload_fn.push(init_chart); |
function chartLayersCombo() |
{ |
var _arr = new mapGetlayersBy("isBaseLayer",false); |
} |
var chartLayerStore = Ext.create('', { |
fields: ['_layerTitle', '_layerId','_layerLegend'], |
data: [] |
}); |
function chartLayersComboStorePopulate() |
{ |
chartLayerStore.removeAll(); |
var overlayers=mapGetlayersBy("isBaseLayer",false); |
for(var i=(overlayers.length-1);i>=0;i--) |
{ |
if (typeof overlayers[i]._layerObject!=="undefined") |
{ |
if (overlayers[i]._layerObject._attributesFields!=null) |
{ |
if (overlayers[i]._layerObject._attributesFields.length>0) |
{ |
chartLayerStore.add({ |
_layerTitle:overlayers[i]._layerObject._layerTitle, |
_layerId:overlayers[i]._layerObject._layerId, |
_layerLegend:overlayers[i]._layerObject._layerLegend |
}); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
function chartLayerAttributeStore() |
{ |
} |
function fn_ChartWinSettings(_store,_layerId) |
{ |
if (typeof _layerId==="undefined") |
{ |
_layerId = ""; |
} |
var chartwin = Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', { |
width: 400, |
height: 300, |
modal:true, |
closeAction:'destroy', |
hidden: false, |
id:'chartgeneralwin_id', |
maximizable: true, |
title: tbarChartLang[language].chartTitle, |
layout: 'fit', |
padding:5, |
items:[{ |
xtype:'panel', |
layout:'form', |
items:[{ |
xtype:'combo', |
fieldLabel:tbarChartLang[language].chooseLayer, |
id:'chartLayerCombo', |
store:chartLayerStore, |
editable:false, |
queryMode: 'local', |
displayField: '_layerTitle', |
valueField: '_layerId', |
value:_layerId, |
forceSelection: true, |
triggerAction: 'all', |
selectOnFocus: false, |
listConfig: { |
getInnerTpl: function() { |
var tpl = '<img src="{_layerLegend}" align="left" width="20px" height="20px">{_layerTitle}'; |
return tpl; |
} |
}, |
listeners:{ |
select:function(combo, record, eOpts) |
{ |
var _layerId = Ext.getCmp('chartLayerCombo').getValue(); |
var _x_Store = new fn_createAttributesComboStore(mapFindLayerById(_layerId)._layerObject._attributesFields); |
var _y_Store = new fn_createAttributesComboStore(mapFindLayerById(_layerId)._layerObject._attributesFields); |
Ext.getCmp("chartXAxisCombo").bindStore(_x_Store); |
Ext.getCmp("chartYAxisCombo").bindStore(_y_Store); |
} |
} |
},{ |
xtype:'combo', |
fieldLabel:tbarChartLang[language].x_axis, |
id:'chartXAxisCombo', |
queryMode: 'local', |
displayField: '_attributeTranslation', |
valueField: '_attributeName', |
emptyText:_maptab_east_search_panel_criteria_choose_attribute, |
value:"", |
forceSelection: true, |
selectOnFocus: false, |
triggerAction: 'all', |
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate('<tpl for=".">' + '<li style="height:22px;" class="x-boundlist-item" role="option">' + '{_attributeTranslation}' + '</li></tpl>'), |
editable: false |
},{ |
xtype:'combo', |
fieldLabel:tbarChartLang[language].y_axis, |
id:'chartYAxisCombo', |
queryMode: 'local', |
displayField: '_attributeTranslation', |
valueField: '_attributeName', |
emptyText:_maptab_east_search_panel_criteria_choose_attribute, |
value:"", |
forceSelection: true, |
selectOnFocus: false, |
triggerAction: 'all', |
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate('<tpl for=".">' + '<li style="height:22px;" class="x-boundlist-item" role="option">' + '{_attributeTranslation}' + '</li></tpl>'), |
editable: false |
},{ |
xtype:'combo', |
fieldLabel:tbarChartLang[language].chartType, |
id:'chartTypeCombo', |
store: new{ |
fields: ['title','value'], |
data: [ |
[tbarChartLang[language].chartTypePie,"pie"], |
[tbarChartLang[language].chartTypeColumn,"column"], |
[tbarChartLang[language].chartTypeLine,"line"] |
] |
}), |
displayField: 'title', |
valueField: 'value', |
emptyText:tbarChartLang[language].chartTypePie, |
value:"pie", |
forceSelection: true, |
triggerAction: 'all', |
selectOnFocus: false, |
mode: 'local', |
editable: false |
}] |
}], |
bbar:[ |
'->', |
{ |
xtype:'button', |
text:tbarChartLang[language].chartShowBtn, |
tooltip:tbarChartLang[language].chartShowBtn, |
iconCls:'chart', |
handler:function(){ |
var _type = Ext.getCmp("chartTypeCombo").getValue(); |
switch(_type) |
{ |
case "pie": |
var y_axis = Ext.getCmp("chartYAxisCombo").getValue(); |
var _w = fn_createPieChartWin(_store, mapFindLayerById(_layerId)._layerObject._attributesFields, y_axis); |
|; |
break; |
case "column": |
var x_axis = Ext.getCmp("chartXAxisCombo").getValue(); |
var x_axis_record = Ext.getCmp("chartXAxisCombo").getStore().findRecord("_attributeName",x_axis,0,false,true,true); |
var y_axis = Ext.getCmp("chartYAxisCombo").getValue(); |
var y_axis_record = Ext.getCmp("chartXAxisCombo").getStore().findRecord("_attributeName",y_axis,0,false,true,true); |
var _w = fn_createColumnChartWin(_store, mapFindLayerById(_layerId)._layerObject._attributesFields,,; |
|; |
break; |
case "line": |
var x_axis = Ext.getCmp("chartXAxisCombo").getValue(); |
var x_axis_record = Ext.getCmp("chartXAxisCombo").getStore().findRecord("_attributeName",x_axis,0,false,true,true); |
var y_axis = Ext.getCmp("chartYAxisCombo").getValue(); |
var y_axis_record = Ext.getCmp("chartXAxisCombo").getStore().findRecord("_attributeName",y_axis,0,false,true,true); |
var _w = fn_createLineChartWin(_store, mapFindLayerById(_layerId)._layerObject._attributesFields,,; |
|; |
break; |
} |
} |
}], |
listeners:{ |
"show":function(){ |
} |
} |
}); |
return chartwin; |
} |
function fn_createColumnChartWin(_store, _attributesFields, x_axis, y_axis) |
{ |
var; |
var chartBars=[]; |
if ((typeof y_axis!=="undefined") && (y_axis!="") && (y_axis!=null)) |
{ |
var target = Ext.create('', { |
model: _store.model |
}); |
Ext.each(_store.getRange(), function (record) { |
var newRecordData = Ext.clone(record.copy().data); |
var model = new _store.model(newRecordData,; |
target.add(model); |
}); |
var y_axis_title = y_axis._attributeTranslation; |
var y_axis_field = y_axis._attributeName; |
if (y_axis._attributeName == x_axis._attributeName) |
{ |
|; |
var groups = target.getGroups(); |
var groupStore = Ext.create('', { |
fields: [{ |
name: x_axis._attributeName, mapping: 'name' |
},{ |
name: 'total', convert: function(value, record){ |
return record.raw.children.length; |
} |
}], |
data: groups |
}); |
y_axis_title = tbarChartLang[language].columnCountTitle; |
y_axis_field = 'total'; |
}else{ |
var groupStore = target; |
} |
chartBars.push(Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', { |
style: 'background:#fff', |
animate: true, |
shadow: true, |
store: groupStore, |
axes: [{ |
type: 'Numeric', |
position: 'left', |
fields: [y_axis_field], |
/*label: { |
renderer: Ext.util.Format.numberRenderer('0,0') |
},*/ |
title: y_axis_title, |
grid: true, |
minimum: 0 |
}, { |
type: 'Category', |
position: 'bottom', |
fields: [x_axis._attributeName], |
title: x_axis._attributeTranslation |
}], |
series: [{ |
type: 'column', |
axis: 'left', |
highlight: true, |
tips: { |
trackMouse: true, |
width: 160, |
height: 28, |
renderer: function(storeItem, item) { |
this.setTitle(storeItem.get(x_axis._attributeName)+"<br>"+storeItem.get(y_axis_field)); |
} |
}, |
label: { |
display: 'insideEnd', |
'text-anchor': 'middle', |
field: y_axis._attributeTranslation, |
renderer: Ext.util.Format.numberRenderer('0'), |
orientation: 'vertical', |
color: '#333' |
}, |
xField: x_axis._attributeName, |
yField: y_axis_field |
}] |
})) |
} |
var chartwin = Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', { |
width: 800, |
height: 600, |
minHeight: 400, |
minWidth: 550, |
hidden: false, |
maximizable: true, |
title: 'Column Chart', |
layout: 'fit', |
items:chartBars |
}); |
return chartwin; |
} |
function fn_createLineChartWin(_store, _attributesFields, x_axis, y_axis) |
{ |
var; |
var chartBars=[]; |
if ((typeof y_axis!=="undefined") && (y_axis!="") && (y_axis!=null)) |
{ |
var target = Ext.create('', { |
model: _store.model |
}); |
Ext.each(_store.getRange(), function (record) { |
var newRecordData = Ext.clone(record.copy().data); |
var model = new _store.model(newRecordData,; |
target.add(model); |
}); |
var y_axis_title = y_axis._attributeTranslation; |
var y_axis_field = y_axis._attributeName; |
if (y_axis._attributeName == x_axis._attributeName) |
{ |
|; |
var groups = target.getGroups(); |
var groupStore = Ext.create('', { |
fields: [{ |
name: x_axis._attributeName, mapping: 'name' |
},{ |
name: 'total', convert: function(value, record){ |
return record.raw.children.length; |
} |
}], |
data: groups |
}); |
y_axis_title = tbarChartLang[language].columnCountTitle; |
y_axis_field = 'total'; |
}else{ |
var groupStore = target; |
} |
chartBars.push(Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', { |
style: 'background:#fff', |
animate: true, |
shadow: true, |
store: groupStore, |
axes: [{ |
type: 'Numeric', |
position: 'left', |
fields: [y_axis_field], |
/*label: { |
renderer: Ext.util.Format.numberRenderer('0,0') |
},*/ |
title: y_axis_title, |
grid: true |
}, { |
type: 'Category', |
position: 'bottom', |
fields: [x_axis._attributeName], |
title: x_axis._attributeTranslation, |
label: { |
rotate: { |
degrees: 90 |
} |
} |
}], |
series: [{ |
type: 'line', |
axis: 'left', |
smooth: true, |
highlight: true, |
tips: { |
trackMouse: true, |
width: 240, |
smooth: true, |
renderer: function(storeItem, item) { |
this.setTitle(storeItem.get(x_axis._attributeName)+"<br>"+storeItem.get(y_axis_field)); |
} |
}, |
label: { |
display: 'insideEnd', |
'text-anchor': 'middle', |
field: y_axis._attributeTranslation, |
renderer: Ext.util.Format.numberRenderer('0'), |
orientation: 'vertical', |
color: '#333' |
}, |
xField: x_axis._attributeName, |
yField: y_axis_field, |
markerConfig: { |
type: 'circle', |
size: 4, |
radius: 4, |
'stroke-width': 0 |
} |
}] |
})) |
} |
var chartwin = Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', { |
width: 800, |
height: 600, |
minHeight: 400, |
minWidth: 550, |
hidden: false, |
maximizable: true, |
title: 'Column Chart', |
layout: 'fit', |
items:chartBars/*[{ |
xtype:'grid', |
store:groupStore, |
columns:[{ |
header:'x_axis', |
dataIndex:x_axis._attributeName |
},{ |
header:'y_axis', |
dataIndex:y_axis_field |
}] |
}]*/ |
}); |
return chartwin; |
} |
function fn_createPieChartWin(_store, _attributesFields, _groupField) |
{ |
var; |
var chartBars=[]; |
if ((typeof _groupField!=="undefined") && (_groupField!="") && (_groupField!=null)) |
{ |
var target = Ext.create('', { |
model: _store.model |
}); |
Ext.each(_store.getRange(), function (record) { |
var newRecordData = Ext.clone(record.copy().data); |
var model = new _store.model(newRecordData,; |
target.add(model); |
}); |
|; |
var groups = target.getGroups(); |
var groupStore = Ext.create('', { |
fields: [{ |
name:_groupField, mapping: 'name' |
}, { |
name: 'total', convert: function(value, record){ |
return record.raw.children.length; |
} |
}], |
data: groups |
}); |
chartBars.push(Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', { |
style: 'background:#fff', |
animate: true, |
shadow: true, |
store: groupStore, |
series: [{ |
type: 'pie', |
field: 'total', |
showInLegend: true, |
donut: false, |
highlight: { |
segment: { |
margin: 20 |
} |
}, |
tips: { |
trackMouse: true, |
width: 160, |
height: 28, |
renderer: function(storeItem, item) { |
this.setTitle(storeItem.get(_groupField) + ': ' + storeItem.get('total')); |
} |
}, |
label: { |
field: _groupField, |
display: 'rotate', |
contrast: true, |
font: '18px Arial' |
} |
}] |
})) |
} |
if (Ext.getCmp("chartwin_id")) |
{ |
Ext.getCmp("chartwin_id").destroy(); |
} |
var chartwin = Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', { |
width: 800, |
height: 600, |
minHeight: 400, |
minWidth: 550, |
hidden: false, |
id:'chartwin_id', |
maximizable: true, |
title: 'Column Chart', |
layout: 'fit', |
items:chartBars |
}); |
return chartwin; |
} |