556 lines
15 KiB
556 lines
15 KiB
var datatable_translation = { |
el_gr: { |
title: 'Πίνακας Ιδιοτήτων', |
pagingtoolbar_emptymsg: 'Δεν υπάρχουν δεδομένα', |
pagingtoolbar_displayMsg: 'Εμφανίζονται {0} - {1} από {2}', |
pagingtoolbar_firstText: 'Πρώτη σελίδα', |
pagingtoolbar_lastText: 'Τελευταία σελίδα', |
pagingtoolbar_beforePageText: 'Σελίδα', |
pagingtoolbar_afterPageText: 'από {0}', |
pagingtoolbar_refreshText: 'Ανανέωση', |
pagingtoolbar_prevText: 'Προηγούμενο', |
pagingtoolbar_nextText: 'Επόμενο' |
}, |
en_us: { |
title: 'Attribute Table', |
pagingtoolbar_emptymsg: 'No data to display', |
pagingtoolbar_displayMsg: 'Displaying {0} - {1} of {2}', |
pagingtoolbar_firstText: 'First page', |
pagingtoolbar_lastText: 'Last page', |
pagingtoolbar_beforePageText: 'Page', |
pagingtoolbar_afterPageText: 'of {0}', |
pagingtoolbar_refreshText: 'Refresh', |
pagingtoolbar_prevText: 'Previous', |
pagingtoolbar_nextText: 'Next' |
} |
}; |
init_onload_fn.push(init_datatable); |
function init_datatable() { |
_maptab_west_layer_layer_menu_components.push(new layerdatatable); |
} |
var layerdatatable = function () { |
return { |
text: datatable_translation[language].title, |
iconCls: 'features_toolbar_showinfow', |
handler: function () { |
var _layerId = this.ownerCt._nodeId; |
var w = layerdatatable_win(_layerId); |
var g = layerdatatable_grid(_layerId); |
w.add(g); |
w.show(); |
} |
}; |
} |
function layerdatatable_queryObj(_layerId) { |
var _servicePort = ""; |
_layer = mapFindLayerById(_layerId); |
if (typeof _layer._serviceObject._servicePort !== "undefined") { |
_servicePort = _layer._serviceObject._servicePort; |
} |
var _queryObject = [{ |
_layerId: _layer._layerObject._layerId, |
_serviceType: _layer._serviceObject._serviceType, |
_serviceName: _layer._serviceObject._serviceName, |
_servicePort: _servicePort, |
_username: _layer._serviceObject._username, |
_serviceUrl: _layer._serviceObject._serviceUrl, |
_password: _layer._serviceObject._password, |
_layerName: _layer._layerObject._layerName, |
_version: _layer._serviceObject._version, |
_isService: _layer._serviceObject._isService, |
_featureType: _layer._layerObject._featureType, |
_cqlFilter: "1=1&COUNT={limit}&STARTINDEX={start}&SORTBY={sortby}", |
_cqlFilterJSON: "", |
_geometryField: _layer._layerObject._geometryField, |
_nativeSRS: _layer._layerObject._nativeSRS, |
_geomFilter: "", |
_featureInfoFormat: _layer._serviceObject._featureInfoFormat, |
_request: "search" |
}]; |
return _queryObject; |
} |
function layerdatatable_grid(_layerId) { |
var title = mapFindLayerById(_layerId).name; |
var _attributesFields = mapFindLayerById(_layerId)._layerObject._attributesFields; |
var _params = layerdatatable_queryObj(_layerId); |
var store = null; |
var gId = null; |
var columns = null; |
if (_params[0]._serviceType == 'SHAPEFILE') { |
gId = Ext.id(); |
var _data = []; |
var _fields = []; |
var _features = mapFindLayerById(_layerId)._layerObject._layer.features; |
_features.forEach(function (entry) { |
_data.push(entry.attributes); |
for (var name in entry.attributes) { |
var value = entry.attributes[name]; |
entry[name] = value; |
} |
}); |
console.log(_features); |
// |
// _data.forEach(function (entry, k) { |
// entry._featureId = _features[k].fid; |
// entry._geometry = _features[k].geometry; |
// entry._layerObject = mapFindLayerById(_layerId)._layerObject; |
// entry._serviceObject = mapFindLayerById(_layerId)._serviceObject; |
// }); |
_attributesFields.forEach(function (entry) { |
_fields.push({ |
name: entry._attributeName |
}); |
}); |
// _fields.push({ |
// name: '_geometry' |
// }); |
// |
// _fields.push({ |
// name: '_layerObject' |
// }); |
// |
// _fields.push({ |
// name: '_serviceObject' |
// }); |
Ext.define('featureAttributesSHP', { |
extend: 'Ext.data.Model', |
fields: _fields |
}); |
store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { |
data: _features, |
model: 'featureAttributesSHP' |
}); |
store.remoteSort = true; |
store.pageSize = 100; |
var _columns = [ |
{ |
_attributeName: "_featureUrl", |
_attributeSortable: false, |
_attributeType: "string", |
_attributeTranslation: "", |
hideable: false, |
hidden: true |
}, |
{ |
_attributeName: "_featureGeomFormat", |
_attributeSortable: false, |
_attributeType: "string", |
_attributeTranslation: "", |
hideable: false, |
hidden: true |
}, |
{ |
_attributeName: "_srsName", |
_attributeSortable: false, |
_attributeType: "string", |
_attributeTranslation: "", |
hideable: false, |
hidden: true |
}, |
{ |
_attributeName: "_featureId", |
_attributeSortable: false, |
_attributeType: "string", |
_attributeTranslation: "", |
width: 30, |
hideable: false, |
renderer: fn_shp_zoom_to_feature |
} |
]; |
_columns.push.apply(_columns, _attributesFields); |
columns = fn_createAttributesColumnModel(_columns); |
} |
else { |
_params = { data: Ext.JSON.encode(_params) }; |
gId = Ext.id(); |
store = fn_createAttributesStore(fn_featureColumnModelForGrid(_attributesFields)); |
store.autoLoad = true; |
store.remoteSort = true; |
store.pageSize = 100; |
var proxy = { |
type: 'ajax', |
method: 'POST', |
extraParams: _params, |
url: _proxy_url + "?proxy=pager", |
reader: { |
type: 'json', |
root: 'data[0]._response._attributes', |
totalProperty: 'data[0]._response._total', |
getData: function (root) { |
var _data = []; |
var data = root.data[0]._response._attributes; |
index = 0; |
Ext.each(data, function (record) { |
root.data[0]._response._attributes[index] = record[0]; |
index++; |
}); |
return root; |
} |
} |
}; |
store.setProxy(proxy); |
store.load(); |
columns = fn_createAttributesColumnModel(fn_featureColumnModelForGrid(_attributesFields)); |
} |
var g = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', |
{ |
border: false, |
columnLines: true, |
id: gId, |
enableColumnMove: mapFindLayerById(_layerId)._layerObject._attributesReorder, |
_layerId: _layerId, |
selModel: Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel', { mode: 'SIMPLE', checkOnly: true }), |
store: store, |
columns: columns, |
tbar: [{ |
xtype: 'button', |
tooltip: _feature_gridicons_qtip_PDF, |
iconCls: 'pdf', |
hidden: false, |
handler: function () { |
var dt = []; |
var tt = []; |
var i = 0; |
var j = 0; |
var grid = Ext.getCmp(gId); |
var colums = Ext.getCmp(gId).columns; |
var selected = Ext.getCmp(gId).getSelectionModel().getSelection(); |
selected.forEach(function (item, index) { |
delete item.raw['_featureGeomFormat']; |
delete item.raw['_featureId']; |
delete item.raw['_featureUrl']; |
delete item.raw['_layerId']; |
delete item.raw['_srsName']; |
dt.push(item.raw); |
var keyNames = Object.keys(item.raw); |
if (j <= keyNames.length) { |
i = index |
} |
j = keyNames.length; |
}); |
colums.forEach(function (col) { |
var keyNames = Object.keys(selected[i].raw); |
keyNames.forEach(function (key) { |
if (key === col['dataIndex']) { |
var tmp = { |
id: key, |
translate: col.text |
}; |
var index = tt.findIndex(function (s) { |
if (s.id === key) { |
return true |
} |
}); |
if (index === -1) { |
tt.push(tmp) |
} |
} |
}); |
}); |
var tableRows = []; |
var tm = []; |
tt.forEach(function (item) { |
tm.push(item.translate); |
}); |
tableRows.push(tm); |
dt.forEach(function (raw) { |
var tmp = []; |
tt.forEach(function (item) { |
if (typeof raw[item.id] === 'undefined') { |
tmp.push(''); |
} else { |
var keyNames = Object.keys(raw); |
keyNames.forEach(function (key) { |
if (item.id === key) { |
tmp.push(raw[key]); |
} |
}) |
} |
}); |
tableRows.push(tmp); |
}); |
var page = ''; |
if (tt.length <= 6) { |
page = 'A4' |
} else if (tt.length > 6 && tt.length <= 10) { |
page = 'A3' |
} else if (tt.length > 10) { |
page = 'A2' |
} |
var docDefinition = { |
pageSize: page, |
pageOrientation: 'landscape', |
content: [ |
{ text: title, style: 'header' }, |
{ |
style: 'table', |
table: { |
body: tableRows |
} |
} |
], |
styles: { |
header: { |
fontSize: 18, |
bold: true, |
margin: [0, 0, 0, 10] |
}, |
subheader: { |
fontSize: 16, |
bold: true, |
margin: [0, 10, 0, 5] |
}, |
table: { |
margin: [0, 5, 0, 15] |
}, |
tableHeader: { |
bold: true, |
fontSize: 13, |
color: 'black' |
} |
}, |
defaultStyle: { |
fontSize: 8 |
} |
}; |
window.pdfMake.createPdf(docDefinition).download(); |
} |
}, |
{ |
xtype: 'button', |
tooltip: _feature_gridicons_qtip_download, |
iconCls: 'features_toolbar_download', |
handler: function () { |
featureDownloadArray = []; |
var selected = Ext.getCmp(gId).getSelectionModel().getSelection(); |
Ext.each(selected, function (item) { |
var _feature = { |
_featureId: item.get("_featureId"), |
_layerId: item.get("_layerId"), |
_srsName: item.get("_srsName"), |
_featureUrl: item.get("_featureUrl"), |
_featureGeomFormat: item.get("_featureGeomFormat") |
}; |
featureDownloadArray.push(_feature); |
}); |
var _w = fn_featureDonwloadWindow(); |
_w.show(); |
} |
}], |
dockedItems: [{ |
xtype: 'pagingtoolbar', |
emptyMsg: datatable_translation[language].pagingtoolbar_emptymsg, |
displayMsg: datatable_translation[language].pagingtoolbar_displayMsg, |
firstText: datatable_translation[language].pagingtoolbar_firstText, |
lastText: datatable_translation[language].pagingtoolbar_lastText, |
beforePageText: datatable_translation[language].pagingtoolbar_beforePageText, |
afterPageText: datatable_translation[language].pagingtoolbar_afterPageText, |
refreshText: datatable_translation[language].pagingtoolbar_refreshText, |
prevText: datatable_translation[language].pagingtoolbar_prevText, |
nextText: datatable_translation[language].pagingtoolbar_nextText, |
store: store, // same store GridPanel is using |
dock: 'bottom', |
displayInfo: true |
}], |
listeners: { |
select: function (row, record, index, eOpts) { |
var _feature = fn_featureObject(record); |
fn_featureHighlight(_feature._featureId, _feature._layerId, _feature._srsName, _feature._featureUrl, _feature._featureGeomFormat, ''); |
fn_toggleHightlightFromAllResultsGrids(_feature._featureId, _feature._layerId, g.id); |
}, |
show: function () { |
}, |
deselect: function (row, record, index, eOpts) { |
var _feature = fn_featureObject(record); |
fn_featureUnHiglighted(_feature._featureId, _feature._layerId); |
fn_toggleHightlightFromAllResultsGrids(_feature._featureId, _feature._layerId, g.id); |
}, |
beforeclose: function (grid, eOpts) { |
Ext.Array.remove(fn_grid_results_ids_array, g.id); |
Ext.Array.clean(fn_grid_results_ids_array); |
grid.store.each(function (item) { |
if (fn_featureIsHiglighted(item.get("_featureId"), item.get("_layerId"))) { |
fn_featureUnHiglighted(item.get("_featureId"), item.get("_layerId")); |
fn_toggleHightlightFromAllResultsGrids(item.get("_featureId"), item.get("_layerId"), g.id); |
} |
}); |
}, |
viewready: function (grid, eOpts) { |
grid.store.each(function (item) { |
if (fn_featureIsHiglighted(item.get("_featureId"), item.get("_layerId"))) { |
grid.getSelectionModel().select(item, true, true); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
}); |
return g; |
} |
function layerdatatable_win(_layerId) { |
var _w_id = Ext.id(); |
var chartwin = Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', { |
width: 800, |
height: 600, |
id: _w_id, |
minHeight: 400, |
minWidth: 550, |
hidden: false, |
title: mapFindLayerById(_layerId).name, |
resizable: { |
listeners: { |
resize: function () { |
Ext.getCmp('maptab_mapPanel').getEl().unmask(); |
}, |
beforeresize: function () { |
Ext.getCmp('maptab_mapPanel').getEl().mask().dom.style.zIndex = Ext.getCmp(_w_id).getEl().dom.style.zIndex; |
} |
} |
}, |
minimizable: true, |
maximizable: true, |
constrain: true, |
listeners: { |
destroy: function () { |
Ext.getCmp('maptab_mapPanel').getEl().unmask(); |
}, |
show: function (window, eOpts) { |
// window.tools.restore.hide(); |
window.tools[0].hide(); |
window.tools[3].hide(); |
Ext.getCmp('maptab_mapPanel').getEl().unmask(); |
}, |
"minimize": function (window, opts) { |
// window.tools.restore.show(); |
window.tools[0].show(); |
window.tools.minimize.hide(); |
window.collapse(); |
Ext.getCmp('maptab_mapPanel').getEl().unmask(); |
}, |
}, |
tools: [{ |
type: 'restore', |
handler: function (evt, toolEl, owner, tool) { |
var window = owner.up('window'); |
// window.tools.restore.hide(); |
window.tools[0].hide(); |
window.tools[3].hide(); |
window.tools.minimize.show(); |
window.expand('', false); |
} |
}], |
layout: 'fit' |
}); |
return chartwin; |
} |
function fn_shp_zoom_to_feature(value, metaData, record, row, col, store, gridView) { |
return "<img src=\"" + host + "images/show.png\" class=\"column_grid_images\" data-qtip=\"" + _feature_gridicons_qtip_showOnMap + "\" onClick=\"fn_featureShowOnMap_SHP('" + record.raw.geometry + "','');\">"; |
} |
function fn_featureShowOnMap_SHP(_geom) { |
var wkt = new OpenLayers.Format.WKT(); |
var features = wkt.read(_geom); |
var bounds; |
if (features) { |
if (features.constructor != Array) { |
features = [features]; |
} |
for (var i = 0; i < features.length; ++i) { |
if (!bounds) { |
bounds = features[i].geometry.getBounds(); |
} else { |
bounds.extend(features[i].geometry.getBounds()); |
} |
} |
map.zoomToExtent(bounds); |
} |