Fullstack Portal Created by the HCMR for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Program in order to cover demands and aspects considering extendability and maintainability
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

434 lines
11 KiB

var geoJsonGroup = new L.LayerGroup();
var layerControls = {};
var layersList = [
code: "POSEIDON",
name: "Poseidon Stations",
geotype: 'point',
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radius: 8,
fillColor: "#ff7800",
color: "#000",
weight: 1,
opacity: 1,
fillOpacity: 0.8
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leafletid: null
name: "ARGO Stations",
code: "argo_stations",
format: 'geojson',
geotype: 'linestring',
active: false,
leafletid: null
name: "WFD Stations",
code: "coastal_wfd",
format: 'geojson',
geotype: 'point',
active: false,
leafletid: null
name: "Beach Stations",
code: "beach_stations",
format: 'geojson',
geotype: 'point',
style: {
radius: 8,
fillColor: "#ff7800",
color: "#000",
weight: 1,
opacity: 1,
fillOpacity: 0.8
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leafletid: null
name: "Open Sea Stations",
code: "cruise_stations",
format: 'geojson',
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active: false,
leafletid: null
code: "cruise_2018",
name: "Cruise 2018",
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geotype: 'linestring',
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leafletid: null
code: "cruise_2019_a",
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active: false,
leafletid: null
code: "cruise_2019_b",
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geotype: 'linestring',
active: false,
leafletid: null
code: "cruise_2020_a",
format: 'geojson',
geotype: 'linestring',
active: false,
leafletid: null
code: "cruise_2020_b",
format: 'geojson',
geotype: 'linestring',
active: false,
leafletid: null
code: "cruise_2021_a",
format: 'geojson',
geotype: 'linestring',
active: false,
leafletid: null
code: "cruise_2021_b",
format: 'geojson',
geotype: 'linestring',
active: false,
leafletid: null
code: "cruise_2019_a_inale",
format: 'geojson',
geotype: 'linestring',
active: false,
leafletid: null
code: "cruise_2019_b_inale",
format: 'geojson',
geotype: 'linestring',
active: false,
leafletid: null
code: "cruise_2021_a_inale",
format: 'geojson',
geotype: 'linestring',
active: false,
leafletid: null
code: "cruise_2021_b_inale",
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active: false,
leafletid: null
code: "cruise_2021_c_inale",
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geotype: 'linestring',
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leafletid: null
code: "grid_10km_3035",
format: 'image',
active: false,
leafletid: null
code: "grid_25km_3035",
format: 'image',
active: false,
leafletid: null
name: 'Marine Natura Sites (Monitored under D1)',
code: "v_marine_natura2000_end2021_epsg3035_sitetype", //"marine_natura2000_end2021_epsg3035",
format: 'image',
active: false,
leafletid: null
code: "ms_el_mediterranean_assessment_area",
format: 'image',
active: false,
leafletid: null
code: "mad_el_ms_ad_adriatic_assessment_area",
format: 'image',
active: false,
leafletid: null
code: "mic_el_ms_io_ionian_assessment_area",
format: 'image',
active: false,
leafletid: null
code: "mal_el_ms_al_aegean_levantine_assessment_area",
format: 'image',
active: false,
leafletid: null
name: "Aegean-Levantine subregion – Aegean Sea",
code: "mal_el_aa_ae_aegean_assessment_area",
format: 'image',
active: false,
leafletid: null
name: "Aegean-Levantine subregion – North Aegean Sea",
code: "mal_el_aa_na_north_aegean_assessment_area",
format: 'image',
active: false,
leafletid: null
name: 'Aegean-Levantine subregion – Central and South Aegean Sea',
code: "mal_el_aa_csa_central_south_aegean_assessment_area",
format: 'image',
active: false,
leafletid: null
name: 'Aegean-Levantine subregion - Levantine Sea',
code: "mal_el_aa_le_levantine_assessment_area",
format: 'image',
active: false,
leafletid: null
name: "Coastal Waters",
code: "v_el_mrus_nov2021_epsg3035_coastal_waters",
format: 'image',
active: false,
leafletid: null
name: 'Coastal Water Bodies (WFD)',
code: "v_el_mrus_nov2021_epsg3035_coasts",
format: 'image',
active: false,
leafletid: null
name: "Territorial Waters",
code: "v_el_mrus_nov2021_epsg3035_territorial",
format: 'image',
active: false,
leafletid: null
name: 'Territorial Part beyond Coastal Waters',
code: "v_el_mrus_nov2021_epsg3035_territorial_from_coastal",
format: 'image',
active: false,
leafletid: null
name: 'Beyond Territorial Waters',
code: "v_el_mrus_nov2021_epsg3035_beyond_territorial",
format: 'image',
active: false,
leafletid: null
code: "mal_el_aa_na_north_aegean_assessment_area",
format: 'image',
active: false,
leafletid: null
code: "mal_el_aa_csa_central_south_aegean_assessment_area",
format: 'image',
active: false,
leafletid: null
name: 'EMODNET Bathymetry',
active: false,
format: 'image',
leafletid: null,
code: 'DPTH'
name: 'EMODNET Habitats',
active: false,
format: 'image',
leafletid: null,
code: 'HABT'
name: 'EMODNET Chemistry',
active: false,
format: 'image',
leafletid: null,
code: 'CHEM'
name: 'EMODNET Chemistry',
active: false,
format: 'image',
leafletid: null,
code: 'CHEM_PHPL'
name: 'Probability of coralligenous habitat in the Mediterranean (MEDISEH)',
active: false,
format: 'image',
leafletid: null,
isProduct: true,
endpoint: "https://ows.emodnet-seabedhabitats.eu/geoserver/emodnet_view_maplibrary/wms",
legend: "https://ows.emodnet-seabedhabitats.eu/geoserver/emodnet_view_maplibrary/ows?service=WMS&request=GetLegendGraphic&format=image%2Fpng&width=20&height=20&layer=mediseh_cora",
code: 'mediseh_cora'
name: 'Probability of maerl habitat in the Mediterranean (MEDISEH)',
active: false,
format: 'image',
leafletid: null,
isProduct: true,
endpoint: "https://ows.emodnet-seabedhabitats.eu/geoserver/emodnet_view_maplibrary/wms",
legend: "https://ows.emodnet-seabedhabitats.eu/geoserver/emodnet_view_maplibrary/ows?service=WMS&request=GetLegendGraphic&format=image%2Fpng&width=20&height=20&layer=mediseh_cora",
code: 'mediseh_maerl'
name: 'Probability of Posidonia oceanica in the Mediterranean (MEDISEH)',
active: false,
format: 'image',
leafletid: null,
isProduct: true,
endpoint: "https://ows.emodnet-seabedhabitats.eu/geoserver/emodnet_view_maplibrary/wms",
legend: "https://ows.emodnet-seabedhabitats.eu/geoserver/emodnet_view_maplibrary/ows?service=WMS&request=GetLegendGraphic&format=image%2Fpng&width=20&height=20&layer=mediseh_posidonia",
code: 'mediseh_posidonia'
name: 'Seagrass Meadows (<a target="_blank" class="is-link has-text-link" href="https://doi.org/10.1515/bot-2022-0011">citation</a>)',
active: false,
format: 'image',
leafletid: null,
code: 'greek_seagrass_meadows_v0906_espg3035',
name: 'Ecological Status',
code: 'wfd_eco_status_',
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minSuffix: '2018',
maxSuffix: '2021',
active: false,
format: 'image',
leafletid: null,
name: 'BMI Status',
code: 'wfd_bmi_status_',
minSuffix: '2018',
maxSuffix: '2021',
active: false,
format: 'image',
leafletid: null,
name: 'MA Status',
code: 'wfd_ma_status_',
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maxSuffix: '2021',
active: false,
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leafletid: null,
name: 'AN Status',
code: 'wfd_an_status_',
minSuffix: '2018',
maxSuffix: '2021',
active: false,
format: 'image',
leafletid: null,
name: 'Chl-a Status',
code: 'wfd_chla_status_',
minSuffix: '2018',
maxSuffix: '2021',
active: false,
format: 'image',
leafletid: null,
name: 'PCQI Status',
code: 'wfd_chla_status_',
minSuffix: '2018',
maxSuffix: '2021',
active: false,
format: 'image',
leafletid: null,
name: 'Chemi Status',
code: 'wfd_chem_status_',
minSuffix: '2018',
maxSuffix: '2021',
active: false,
format: 'image',
leafletid: null,
name: 'Annual Fisheries Production per year',
code: 'AFPPY',
active: false,
format: 'image',
leafletid: null
async function layerTreeSwitch(node) {
const intId = node.data.code;
// called everytime a layer is activated/deactivated
if (typeof intId == 'undefined') {
const layer = await db.layers.where('code').equals(intId).first();
let leafletId = layer.leafletid;
let l;
if (!layer.active && node.checkStatus) {
if (intId === 'DPTH') {
l = getBathymetry();
mapL.on('click', e => {
} else if (intId === 'HABT') {
l = getHabitat(layer.code);
} else if (layer.isProduct) {
l = getProduct(layer);
} else if (intId === 'AFPPY') {
l = await getFisheriesProduct();
} else if (intId === 'PHPL') {
l = getWMSSeries(node.checkStatus);
} else if (intId.substr(0,3) === 'wfd') {
l = getWFD(layer);
} else if (layer.format === 'image') {
l = L.tileLayer.betterWms(BASE_URL + '/geoserver/wms', { layers: intId, transparent: true, format: "image/png"});
} else {
l = await fetchGeoJson(layer.code);
l.layerGroup = layer.code;
console.debug("geojson layer: ", l);
let options = {};
options.onEachFeature = onEachFeature;
if (layer.geotype === 'point') {
options.pointToLayer = function(feature, latlng) {
return L.circleMarker(latlng, layer.style);
} else if (layer.geotype === 'linestring') {
options.style = function(feature, layer) {
return styleLine();
l = L.geoJSON(l, options);
console.debug("wms layer: ", l);
leafletId = l._leaflet_id;
console.debug("assigned leaflet id: ", leafletId);
} else {
console.debug("hide layer", layer.code);
if (layer.format === 'geojson')
try {
} catch (error) {
console.log('no layer with that id');
try {
} catch (err) {
console.log('layer has no controls');
db.layers.update(layer.id, {active: !layer.active, leafletid: leafletId});
function clearLegend(layerCode) {
} catch (error) {
console.debug('layer has no legend');