Fullstack Portal Created by the HCMR for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Program in order to cover demands and aspects considering extendability and maintainability
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

156 lines
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const dataSourcesAlias = new Map([
["code", "Code"],
["name", "Name"],
["length", "Beach Length (m)"],
["urbanization_degree", "Urbanization Degree"],
// OS stations
// Cruise stations
["sea_area", "Sea Area"],
["station_type", "Platform"],
["wmo_id", "WMO id"]
// Aliases for getfeature info
const aliasMap = new Map([
["localid", "CODE"],
["nametxtint", "NAME"],
["mr_ms_aa", "MR/MS/AA NAME"],
["spzonetype", "TYPE"],
["shape_leng", "PERIMETER"],
["shape_area", "AREA (m^2)"],
["sitecode", "Site Code"],
["sitename", "Site Name"],
["msfd_crite", "MSFD criteria"],
["subregion", "District"],
["methodology", "Methodology/Data Sources"],
["year", "Year"],
["cellcode", "Cell Code"],
["objectid", "ID"],
["biozone", "Biozone"],
["Probability", "Probability"],
['aa', 'Station Code Number'],
['wd_code', 'Water District Code'],
['stationnam', 'Station Name'],
['stationcod', 'Station Code'],
['longitude', 'Longitude'],
['latitude', 'Latitude'],
['stationtyp', 'Station Type'],
['wbcode', 'Water Body Code'],
['ctStationName', 'Station Name'],
['ctStationCode', 'Station Code'],
['ctStationGroupedCwbsName.groupedCwbsNameEn', 'Grouped Coastal Water Name'],
['ctStationBasinName.basinNameEn', 'Basin Name'],
['wmo', 'WMO ID'],
['pi_name', 'Primary Investigator'],
['type', 'Type'],
['code', 'Code'],
['urbanization_degree', 'Urbanization Degree'],
['beach_length', 'Beach Length'],
['csr_code', 'CSR'],
['start_date', 'From'],
['end_date', 'To'],
['ctStationDecimalLatitude', 'Decimal Latitude'],
['ctStationDecimalLongitude', 'Decimal Longitude'],
['ctsDepthM', 'Station Depth']
const hiddenRows = [
'id', 'notes'
const fisheriesMap = new Map([
['TrawlPerc', 'trawl'],
['PursesPerc', 'purses'],
['BoatsePerc', 'boatse'],
['otherPerc', 'other'],
['TAXON_B', 'taxon_b'],
['TAXON_C', 'taxon_c'],
['TAXON_F', 'taxon_f'],
['TAXON_M', 'taxon_m']
const EDITABLE = false;
const fisheriesInfo = new Map([
["Species_1", "Albacore"],
["Species_2", "Anchovy"],
["Species_3", "Anglerfish"],
["Species_4", "Atlantic black sk"],
["Species_5", "Axillary seabrea"],
["Species_6", "Bass"],
["Species_7", "Bay scallop"],
["Species_8", "Black bream"],
["Species_9", "Black sea bream"],
["Species_10", "Black-mouthed godfish"],
["Species_11", "Blotched pickerel"],
["Species_12", "Bluefish"],
["Species_13", "Bogue"],
["Species_14", "Bonito"],
["Species_15", "Brill"],
["Species_16", "Club mackerel"],
["Species_17", "Comber"],
["Species_18", "Common grey mullet"],
["Species_19", "Common prawn"],
["Species_20", "Common sea bream"],
["Species_21", "Common squid"],
["Species_22", "Couch's sea bream"],
["Species_23", "Couch's whiting"],
["Species_24", "Crab"],
["Species_25", "Crayfish"],
["Species_26", "Croaker"],
["Species_27", "Crustacean other"],
["Species_28", "Cuttle fish"],
["Species_29", "Daouki"],
["Species_30", "Dog fish"],
["Species_31", "Dog's teeth"],
["Species_32", "Dusky sea perch"],
["Species_33", "Eel"],
["Species_34", "Flying squid"],
["Species_35", "Garfish"],
["Species_36", "Gilt sardine"],
["Species_37", "Goatfish"],
["Species_38", "Goldline"],
["Species_39", "Greater weever"],
["Species_40", "Grouper"],
["Species_41", "Guitarfish"],
["Species_42", "Gurnard"],
["Species_43", "Hake"],
["Species_44", "Horse mackerel"],
["Species_45", "Jack mackerel"],
["Species_46", "Jacks, crevalles"],
["Species_47", "John dory"],
["Species_48", "Large eyed dog's teeth"],
["Species_49", "Lobster"],
["Species_50", "Mackerel"],
["Species_51", "Megrims"],
["Species_52", "Mussel"],
["Species_53", "Octapus"],
["Species_54", "Others (Fish)"],
["Species_55", "Others (Pelecipoda)"],
["Species_56", "Oyster"],
["Species_57", "Pickerel"],
["Species_58", "Pilchard"],
["Species_59", "Plain bonito"],
["Species_60", "Poulp"],
["Species_61", "Rassa"],
["Species_62", "Red bream"],
["Species_63", "Red mullet"],
["Species_64", "Red sea bream"],
["Species_65", "Red seabream"],
["Species_66", "Sand steenbras"],
["Species_67", "Scorpion fish"],
["Species_68", "Shapper"],
["Species_69", "Shrimp (common)"],
["Species_70", "Silversides (Sands)"],
["Species_71", "Skipjack"],
["Species_72", "Sole"],
["Species_73", "Sprat"],
["Species_74", "Stone bass"],
["Species_75", "Swordfish"],
["Species_76", "Thornback ray"],
["Species_77", "Tub fish"],
["Species_78", "Tune fish"],
["Species_79", "Warty venus"],
["Species_80", "White bream"],
["Species_81", "Yellowtail"]